Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Age Put Baby Forward In Baby Bjorn

Il cibo cotto

Let the cooked food is a food is dead demonstrated by the fact that a seed germinates no more cooked a chicken egg if fertilized will never cooked a chicken, pulled a plant with the roots intact when subjected to cooking does not hang up again. With
cooking proteins undergo a sharp decline of their biological value, such decay is particularly intense in the case of boiling, then if the cooking is done by roasting or toasting denature proteins and produce toxic substances known to be cracking some of which are carcinogenic, such as benzopyrene.
The grilled meats are a cause, now confirmed, of cancer.
The same can be said of the seeds subjected to roasting (coffee, cocoa, bread toasted etc..) are formed of tar cracking have been identified in which at least a dozen carcinogens (Prof. A. Laut, Vie et Action).
The digestibility of protein decreases with the cooking (except for egg whites).
The protein at 60 ° flocculate and then begin to coagulate and became completely resistant cooking juices gastrici.La prevents salivary digestion and makes it less digestible starches. The heat causes the fat oxidation leads first to formation of peroxides and hydroperoxides and then to short-chain fatty acids. In addition, the glycerin which is a highly toxic free. Linoleic acid, linolenic acid as valuable to the synthesis phospholipids, undergo structural changes with the heat that make them inactive. The cooked fat slows the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and slows the development of bones. The French engineer Andre

Simoneton seriously ill and without hope of recovery, regained his health with vegetarian and those studying the cause of the healing power of plants. He found that the radiation emitted by a healthy body is hovering around 6500 Angstrom whereas in case of illness or poor diet always fall below this livello.Simoneton divided food into three categories: 1) dead food (cooked or preserved , margarine, confectionery industry, alcohol, liquor, sugar white and natural) these products have no or almost no radiation, 2) lower food (meat, sausages, eggs, fresh, boiled milk, coffee, tea, chocolate, jam, cheese, white bread: they have less than 5000 Angstrom radiation and 3) higher food (raw and ripe fruit and raw vegetables and fresh): These foods have very high radiation between 8000 and 10000 Angstrom. Moreover, the radiation of fruit and vegetables are higher the shorter the time elapsed since their collection.
Foods that can not be eaten raw was not intended by nature to eat.

When men ate raw foods lived longer and were stronger and more resistenti alle fatiche.Gli animali nutriti con carne cotta vivono meno a lungo ed hanno minori capacità di riproduzione inoltre tendono a sviluppare maggiori malattie mentre l’alimentazione cruda rende perfino più agevole il parto degli animali.
La cottura distrugge il corredo vitaminico, specie delle vitamine termolabili: enzimi, ormoni, antiossidanti naturali: elementi che sono alla base delle difese naturali dell’organismo;- cambia ciò che era organico in inorganico rendendolo inutilizzabile dall’organismo; specialmente le vit. B e C solubili in acqua, si dissolvono alla prima cottura; causa grande perdita di minerali solubili, dal 20 al 70%;- la cottura a vapore produce una perdita dal 22 al 43%; produce acido uric acid that damages the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, heart.
higher the water you use to cook the food the greater the amount of nutrients that are lost. The cooked cabbage loses 62% protein, 72% of its calcium, 60% phosphorus and 67% iron. The loss of vit. C of vegetables is 45% in soybeans is 70%.
A cooked food is a food oxidized. When the meat is boiled organic phosphates are transformed into inorganic. With the cooked food the body can not take all the necessary food feels the need to ingest more food, with what follows. If you nourish it would be enough raw food half of the quantity we eat to be cooked.
is not true that things are more appetizing baked: they are possibly the seasonings that make them such, but the spices and flavors are often toxic.

be remembered that among the many sad human primates (such as being the only animal that gets the milk of another animal after weaning) is to mix and cook the foods they eat.
The cook roasts, boils, cook stew, add sauces, gravies, flavoring and then mix and stir until the initial substance, totally fake, you can not recognize the taste, color, aroma. A food that does not exist in nature, suitable for people not intended to esistere.Camuffare death, the grim flavor and appearance of the corpse of an animal, with the colors and flavors of life, this synthesis in the profession of chef. More than one chef is renowned and famous, swashbuckling, arrogant, adventurous, and its proposals will be blasphemous and its variations, on his infernal machine food, processed in constant conflict with the needs of healthy people should consume its deceptive works' culinary arts.

Extract from an article by Franco Manco Free


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