Friday, April 3, 2009
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L’uomo, essendo un essere vivente, si nutre di energia vitale, oltre che di vitamine, carboidrati, proteine, lipidi…
Quando mangiamo un frutto appena raccolto, non ne assimiliamo solo i principi nutritivi, ma anche la vitalità, che lo rende appetibile e digeribile. Un cibo ricco di vita riempie di vita il nostro corpo e reintegra più facilmente l’energia spesa durante la giornata.
Sarà capitato a tutti di sentirsi "Sold out" for not having more energy to continue and just want a good night's sleep. Sleeping, but also feeding with live food, or through deep relationships, receiving the planet's energy, air and water, it recharges "the pile" (ugly word, but clarifies the concept!)
Try such as walking barefoot on the grass, drinking water source, to love a person ... and you will feel rejuvenated.
How to recognize a living food?
There are several important factors:
reproductive capacity: the viability is expressed primarily in generating other life, for example, if you affect land a potato, an apple, a grain of wheat, they will resume their life cycle, when a piece of bread, jam, a polenta will never do it.
time from the collection: when a fruit is detached from the plant or vegetable is removed from the earth, they begin to lose vitality.
Method of preservation: drying maintains the vitality, whereas the freezing, canning or worse, in many cases killing the food.
cooking systems: in principle, the heat kills the vitality of food and some cooking methods are more destructive than others, such as microwave and the kitchen oven.
Quality notes: the scent, color and taste are indicators of the freshness of the food and will deteriorate rapidly with the loss of vitality.
fruits, those natural products consisting essentially of edible pulp around the seeds, cover the fruits of noble trees, commonly called "fruit", and those of plants, more or less close to the land we call the "fruits" (wild and blueberries, for example), or "fruits of the garden (pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.)..
The human being for millions of years has not slept in a house, then that is a comfort recently. None of this si sente di dire che l'uomo é fatto per il tricamere in cemento o per la villa, ma tutt'al più che vi si adatta con comodità. Nessuno si sognerebbe di dire che l'uomo é nato per andare al ristorante, anche se risulta comodo quando non si ha tempo per cucinare.L'uomo invece é nato per i frutti, anche se si adatta a sopravvivere di carne o di merendine al latte.
La frutta è un alimento completo in grado di nutrire l’organismo in modo equilibrato. Essa è considerata un cibo sensuale e magico in grado di deliziare i sensi con il suo gusto, il suo odore e i suoi colori. All'uomo si addicono solo i frutti crudi (cioè "vivi"), carnosi e dolci, che costituirono la sua unica fonte di alimentazione nella prehistory and containing more or less the same average percentage of water present in the human body (65%).
Sources: Prof. Armando D'Elia and James Bo
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Nothing is more important than the pure air of the mountains. Move away from the city is the first step to a healthy life. In the words of Silvano Agosti, humans no longer live in cities now, and there are enough. Among the techniques used to improve breathing as "qi gong" (thousand), the "rebirting" American Leonard Orr (the seventies), the "biorespirazione" French Mérien Désiré (eighties).
After the air is important to emphasize the fundamental value of water for our salute.Se your diet is "conventional" non-carbonated drink water - preferably "live" source - (a half hour before or two hours after food) order not to dilute the gastric juices.
Fruits and vegetables are often filled with water, so if you eat smarter and healthier then, there is no need to drink water.
Dr. Emoto developed a technique to examine under a microscope and photographed the crystals that form during the freezing of different types of water. Through this technique it is possible to photograph the crystals obtained by the freezing of water subjected to vibration not only of words or music, but also di pensieri e stati d'animo. L'acqua è infatti in grado di registrare la vibrazione di una energia estremamente sottile, definita nella cultura giapponese Hado.
I cristalli dell'acqua modificano la propria struttura in relazione dei messaggi che ricevono. L'acqua sottoposta alle vibrazioni di parole e pensieri positivi forma dei cristalli bellissimi simili a quelli della neve, l'acqua sottoposta alle vibrazioni di parole e pensieri negativi reagisce creando strutture amorfe e prive di armonia.
La Terra è coperta per il 70% della sua superficie di acqua, la stessa proporzione presente in un corpo umano. La neve, che cade sulla Terra da milioni di anni, contiene cristalli simili tra loro ma diversi uno dall'altro. Ogni cristallo porta in sé un'informazione. Più precisamente, la geometria del cristallo è l'informazione stessa che si cristallizza.
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One-third of what you eat is to live, the other two thirds to bring to life the doctors (Egyptian papyrus)
L'opinione pubblica viene da qualche anno sensitized to the problems resulting from pollution: the pollution of air, water, land, food are in fact toxic substances that contribute to what is called "exogenous toxemia."
cells in an intoxicated deteriorate, weaken, and premature aging muoiono.Per able to act, the self-healing forces need energy:'s hygienists call "nervous energy" or "life energy", the Oriental Qi Wilhelm Reich Orgone Or.
The vitality of every living organism depends on the vitality of its component cells, which ultimately depends on the degree of detoxification of the blood and lymph.
HM Shelton highlighted the fact that food each other are digested differently by the body: to be digested, foods rich in starch (such as rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc ...) need an enzyme (ptyalin) and an alkaline digestive environment, the protein foods (such as meat, cheese, eggs, nuts, etc. ...) are digested by pepsin, which acts only as an acid chemistry tells us that no environment can be simultaneously alkaline acido.HM Shelton argues that the incompatible food combinations we steal huge amounts of energy, as well as give us tired and bad digestion. If so
eat a food with a protein-dominated mainly food starch digestion will be hampered, leading to digestive disorders. That is why the fruit should be eaten alone and it is important to give him the dignity of pasto.In contrast to current beliefs, hygienists also asked not to consume protein in excess. Targeted advertising has convinced many people, many physicians and many mothers to maintain an optimal state of health and wellness, we need a high-protein diet. In fact too much protein is bad for our health, and overloads the urinary system predisposes us to chronic degenerative diseases.
I raggi del sole sono un vero e proprio alimento per il nostro corpo, una terra senza sole è inimmaginabile, esso è la sorgente di tutta la vita. Vengono così consigliati i bagni di sole e di aria al sole del mattino e del tramonto, i cui effetti benefici non tarderanno a farsi sentire.
movement improves metabolism and self-confidence.
By breathing into our organization one of the most valuable assets, the air: air pollution is this an attack on health. E 'useful, as soon as possible, leave town and go where the air is to breathe better. Deep breathing is more regular and longer life is full of energy.
hygienist for the doctrine are three elements to be considered to have a good physical and mental balance: · balance biochemistry of our body, the quality of our metabolism, toxemia, hormonal balance, · the construction of our physical body, the correlation between the spine, skull, pelvis and nervous system and internal organs, our muscle tension, our habitual posture · our psychological state, our unique way of representing and perceiving the world.
These three elements are interdependent with each other because our biochemistry and our posture affects our perception of reality: for example, if we are in a physiological state of great tension, or are terribly tired, in the grip of pain Physical or a low blood sugar level tend to represent the world in order to enhance our negative thoughts. Good posture improves circulation (which in turn improves the biochemistry) and also affects the nervous system.
The results that you can get on the road to health depend largely on the perception of the world, from belief systems, how we represent reality.
What we believe is more important than what exists in reality. The placebo effect becomes one of the greatest discoveries of the world and missed the medicina.Un bit 'of history:
The hygienist movement was born in the United States of America in the first half of 1800.
The history of this movement begins with Sylvester Graham (1794-1851), great orator and religious man who, after studying to prepare for the priesthood, he worked two years in the league against alcoholism in Pennsylvania. He founded the Movement for the Reformation of Life in those days and had the courage to say that the best way to health was a life and do not correct the systematic recourse to doctors and farmaci.La Magazine Graham began to spread the message, the His followers multiplied, hotels and homes were opened restaurant that provided his diet and his insegnamenti.Il work of this great pioneer was organized in a rational way by doctors Isaac Jennings, and George H. Russel Trall Taylor which the basic principles of the model hygienist in the first half of the nineteenth century. At this time we are witnessing a wave of popular protest against the abuse of drugs and dosages heroic behavior of the doctors 'official' time, so they took soil therapeutic models such as homeopathy and physiotherapy, able to meet the demand for Medication lighter. The model developed hygienist opposed to any type of medication.
Among the pioneers hygienist must remember the figure of Dr. Isaac Jennings (1788-1874). After practicing medicine for a long time the 'official', he decided to drop pills, powders and plasters to explore a new field: twenty years of experience in the had in fact led to trust less and less of the drug and increasing healing systems instead of means and powers of life.
and began to treat small problems, teaching hygiene and giving pills to his patients of bread and water color. Encouraged by early successes, he began to treat the same way more serious and complex diseases. Finally, after fifteen years of success without drugs threw the mask: his doctor friends were surprised, some of his patients denounced him as a liar for having been deceived, but the majority of them - although confused by the trick (placebo drug) used to heal - the encouraged to continue, saying: "If you can cure without medicine then it is our doctor. "Dr.. Jennings then continued his work, saying that the system was based on the wrong drugs because they - instead of treating people - actually impeded their healing or changing the original illness in drug-disease (iatrogenic disease). then draw up a therapeutic model in which the disease is a unit and the manifestations of the same (in the form of fever, rash, cough, diarrhea, etc ...) are nothing but efforts to get rid of nature by toxemia.
Many other scholars helped to develop and disseminate ideas among them Dr. hygienists. JH Tilden (1851-1940), author of toxemia and detoxification, a book still current that represents the true starting point of the model and which we will hygienist in seguito.Ma the real father remains contemporary hygienist Dr. Herbert H. Shelton (1895-1985), author of a monumental work in seven volumes - The sanitation systems - which is the synthesis and elaboration, mediated by his experience, the writings left by his predecessors and hygienists have been forgotten. In its clinical
School of Health followed nearly sixty years he has more than 20,000 fast, bringing in more than 40 books a huge amount of scientific material on the results obtained in conditions considered to be serious or very serious.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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1 Minimize the dependence on medical care and medicines (from the greek pharmakon = poison), which suppress symptoms and do not eliminate the cause. Le malattie non vanno mai represse ma sempre prevenute innalzando le difese immunitarie.
2 Mangiate poco e solo se avete veramente fame. Date ascolto all’istinto quando vi dice che avete mangiato a sufficienza. Il nostro organismo è infatti regolato da un orologio biologico naturale che divide la giornata in tre periodi distinti: dalle 12 alle 20 (assunzione e ingerimento dei cibi), dalle 20 alle 4 (metabolizzazione e assimilazione), dalle 4 alle 12 (scarto ed eliminazione). Privilegiate i cibi con qualità nutrizionali elevate. Spesso si continua ad avere ancora fame perché la qualità del cibo ingerito è scadente e quindi poco nutriente.
3 Mangiate in piena tranquillità e masticate moltissimo. Before you eat, if you are tired or stressed, you relax your body and relax your mind (breathing with the diaphragm). Turn off the television during meals. Should eat in silence, concentrating your thought on the absorption of vital energy (prana) contained in the live food.
4 Eliminate sugar industry and all foods containing it: pastries and desserts in general, sweets and confectionery (which predispose to leukemia), candies, jams and ice cream. Abolition of the dessert. White sugar (in the process of bleaching uses the 'corrosive' lime) is a thief of calcium that causes osteoporosis, tooth decay, inflammation, fever, dry throat, loss of appetite, gas, excess fat, colitis, diabetes, joint pain, schizophrenia. Molasses is one of the byproducts from the sugar refining industry and would not sell. For her, as in many other cases, was invented the fable of the "healthier and more natural."
5 Eliminate or at least greatly reduce the amount of salt (sodium chloride), especially the refined, and foods that contain a great deal: bouillon cubes, olives, capers, anchovies preserved, dried cod, crackers, tamari, sausages, chips commercially, popcorn, food pickles. In particular, to prevent hypertension and heart attacks should eat more potassium (fruits and vegetables) and less sodium (traditional foods).
6 Eliminate or at least significantly reduce the consumption of fat extraction: butter, seed oils, olive oil and margarine. The latter is produced by converting pure liquid oil into a piece of polyunsaturated fat that is solid through hydrogenation and blowing a jet of hydrogen gas in the oil until it does not solidify. The oils become saturated worked well, contradicting the advertising that promotes the sale of margarine.
7 Eliminate or at least significantly reduce the consumption of products derived from fermentation alcohol (wine, beer, spirits), preserves, pickles, tamari, miso, bread, yogurt and aceto.Quest 'last (grape, apple cider and vinegar) is a ferment of saliva and stops the digestion of starch digestine delays: it can be replaced with lemon juice , tomato or grapefruit. It should be avoided in particular yeast, a byproduct of waste difficult to dispose of and that we claimed to be healthy and natural. If at first you can not do without, do not drink more than two small glasses of wine or beer and eat up to two sandwiches a day.
8 to minimize the consumption of pasta, rice and other cereals and create mucus and phlegm are acidifying (acidification of the tissues is the key to disease degenerative because when acid accumulates in the body keeps the body fluids to neutralize it, leading to weight gain and swelling). Rice and corn are among the polenta grains are less harmful because they are not acidifying. Even less acidifying the squash, Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes and sweet potatoes (sweet potato cakes). If at first you can not do without, limit the consumption of these substances to no more than three times a week.
9 Eliminate or at least significantly reduce the consumption of meat and fish (which is in decay even before the meat), animal by-products (milk, butter, cheese, ice cream, eggs). Cow's milk contains a three hundred times the amount of casein higher than that of human milk that coagulates in the stomach, forming a thick, stringy and thick curd, very difficult to digerire.Fra byproducts from cheese processing industries and that they could not dispose of, there is also the whey . Greenish, putrid, stinking, disgusting taste, it has the appearance of pus and smell of vomit, but nevertheless it is discharged since 1978 in the industrial food (freeze dried soups, cocoa, cake mixes, margarine, mashed potatoes, gravy and condiments, baby food, bread, etc. ...).
10 to minimize the consumption of legume seeds: soybean, beans, broad beans, lentils, peas and chickpeas. Legumes are among the most food rich in proteins, starches and fats, which are difficult to digest and assimilate, and harmful.
Eat 11 live feed (organic raw fruits and vegetables): The fruit is never eaten a meal at the end but always as far away from other foods (at least three hours). It should rather be alone the essential part of every meal, because proteins that are found there in quantity and excellent quality. Fresh fruit can be classified into five different categories: acidic, Semi-acid, semi-sweet, sweet and greasy. Even the seeds (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, coconut, pine nuts, chestnuts) are rich in protein and may well replace the original ones animal. They are eaten raw and unprocessed (not roasted or salted), with the exception that the chestnuts are starchy seeds and - if they are not made to dry - should be eaten boiled or roasted.
12 Eat raw vegetables: red and green cabbage, Brussels sprouts, chicory, envy, curly lettuce, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, yellow squash, green zucchini, fennel, beets, carrots, radishes , celery, kale, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke, artichoke and radicchio. Celery and lettuce, it is highly alkaline, neutralize the acid that is found in the stomach and prevent the same is inflated. If you have never eaten raw vegetables try and will be pleasantly surprised. Masticateli much. Fungi, including edible ones, should be avoided because they contain toxic substances. Do not consume too much chili, onion and raw garlic because these foods, altering funione the taste buds, you will want to heavier foods.
13 Avoid all stimulants and drugs (both heavy and light) that wear out the nervous system: coffee, tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola (the caffeine in these products causes a destruction of four football double in size than normal) , cocoa, spices, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, marijuana ... To remove the caffeine and protein are used for chemical processes that alter the product and make it even more toxic. To satisfy the desire to drink something warm in the morning is also the delicious hot water with lemon juice (the lemon juice does not ferment as it contains no sugar). If at first you can not help but take a maximum of coffee or tea and smoked no more than three cigarettes a day. 14
Avoid mixing in the same meal foods that are incompatible in terms of assimilation, such as starches with proteins. Bread, meat, fish, potatoes, eggs, cheese, walnuts, chestnuts ... therefore should not be mixed together. The raw vegetables should be eaten in any case before any other food.
15 to minimize the consumption of cooked foods (foods deaths) and avoid 'junk food': fried (indigestible), pre-cooked, dried, frozen, frozen, baby food, smoked, pasteurized, sterilized, canned, fermented, irradiated nuclear materials (cobalt 60 and cesium-137). 16
Avoid drinking during and immediately after a meal, otherwise you dilute the gastric juices thereby slowing digestion. The drinking water must still be 'live' (just flowed from the source), chlorine-free (which was used as a weapon in the First World War and which, together with animal fats form a sticky dough) and fluorine (a poison that causes tooth decay rather than preventing it). The fluoridation of water was invented in the United States in 1945 to dispose of toxic waste from the waste products of aluminum. 17
Avoid drinking carbonated soft drinks (phosphoric acid used to maintain the attractive bubbles is obtained by treating the phosphorus with sulfuric acid and over time affect the extremely sensitive stomach lining), soups, fruit juice products Industrially, the herbal teas. Also avoid all foods that cause thirst.
18 Keep it always clean the intestines (constipation causes toxemia). Eat foods rich in fiber and make an appropriate abdominal exercises. Food should pass quickly and should not rot gut. Our body does not receive food if they are in fact blocked the small intestinal villi through which nutrients are absorbed. The oil forms a waterproof film that prevents the proper functioning of the intestinal villi.
19 When a regime change unhealthy power to adopt a healthy but it's easy for you to experience the crisis of addiction. They occur with possible nausea, slurred mouth, fetid breath, dirty language, headache, diarrhea, fever, hives, boils, hemorrhoids, phlegm, mucus, dizziness, stomach cramps, vomiting, chills, swollen eyes, etc ... These crises are real 'disease beneficial' not you absolutely have to worry about. You should rather welcome them with great joy because they are a sign that your body still has the life force energy to react in order to purify and to heal (vis medicatrix naturae).
20 In the event of illness, fever, illness or crisis and then stay in bed and fast asleep: heal quickly. Stop chewing your fast slowly little fruit. Do not make the situation worse by taking drugs or remedies 'natural'. Do not take for any reason to vaccination: vaccines and serums, poison the body and lowers the immune system. Avoiding the transfusion of blood (a practice unnatural): it can being infected and is susceptible to diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS. Also avoid any type of x-rays and radiation that predispose to leukemia.
21 Skip a meal a week: Food periodic abstinence is a physiological rest regenerator.
22 Breathe deeply using the diaphragm. Many people, breathing in sufficient, living in constant state of hypoxia and harmful.
23 Walk to brisk daily (90-110 steps per minute) for at least half an hour. Avoid elevators: going up the stairs is a great exercise for the heart. The scales are in fact the 'mountains' of the city. Sudando ed ansimando si eliminano tossine (il sudore ha pressappoco la stessa composizione chimica dell’urina).
24 Mantenete una posizione eretta ed ‘energica’ (sia camminando che sostando, sedendovi o coricandovi). Eseguite quotidianamente esercizi di stretching o yoga per restituire alla spina dorsale tutta l’estensione e la flessibilità degli anni ‘verdi’.
25 Fatevi la doccia con acqua non troppo calda, senza usare detergenti (sapone, bagno schiuma, shampoo) e strofinando il corpo con un guanto ruvido per eliminare le cellule morte. Terminate la doccia diminuendo sempre la temperatura dell’acqua. Asciugatevi sfregandovi con vigore al fine di attivare la circolazione del sangue. Kept to a minimum and avoid deodorant fragrances. Via faeces, sweat and winger will eliminate toxins if they stop stinking meat and cheese are eliminated from your diet. Get 26
frequent massages. They are relaxing, and decongestants stimulate circulation: must be drilled from the periphery to the heart, following the path of the blood stream. 27
practice naturism (nudism), by sun and air baths. Never wear tight clothing and synthetic fibers, using every opportunity to let your body breathe and at the same time being careful not to cool it.
28 E 'always good to keep in training the brain, muscles, libido. Sexuality should be lived with joy and not with grief. Do not get caught by the slightest disappointment or resignation at the first failure. If terms are too sexually excited and boisterous you decrease the protein (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables, seeds) that act as stimulants but weakened your sexual abilities.
29 Do not get angry and never for any reason. Enjoy this full of carpe diem. E 'useless rinvangando smashing the past or get depressed thinking about the future. So avoid the stress and anxiety. To ease tension, practiced every night with my eyes closed twenty minutes of slow breathing, deep and rhythmic (meditation): tensions disappear and will facilitate the establishment sleep. Concerns may arise from the wounds of the psyche of the gastric mucosa (ulcers) and chronic irritation of the bowel (colitis).
30 jobs for life to something meaningful and challenging. Always be strict (first with yourself and then with others) and consistent, working accordingly to state your beliefs. Have faith, everything can be done. It 'important advance even one millimeter per day, but in the right direction. 31
seeking maximum independence. Take control of your life and accepted personal responsibility for your health and wellbeing. After being freed of dependence on parents, do not fall into dependence on the spouse, children, the therapist, by the employer or by a personal guide.
32 Never be hard but please welcome the change and adventure, by adopting a flexible attitude. The ability to adapt is crucial: in the event of a disaster, reset everything and start again with renewed energy and enthusiasm. There is nothing irreparable, the doctor of all time.
33 Always be active mentally and emotionally. The growth and evolution of mind you should never stop. The curiosity and wonder for life in fact help to stay young. Try to drop prejudices, myths, false beliefs and negative, information in the bottom and currently experimenting with various stuazioni.Sviluppate a supportive network of friends (the loneliness and sadness in a shortened life) and travel a lot.
34 Smile to life, develop a sense of humor, and spontaneity dell'autoironia. Maintain a high esteem and a clear image of yourself but not your ostentateil IO and your successes.
35 Envy, pettiness, competition, lack of generosity, mania of persecution, greed and avarice are the lifeblood and badly. The frenetic activity can often earn money but it does make a bad life. Stay away from gambling, from racing and card games related to money. Be honest, do not lie and always seek the truth. Make clear choices, bold and unique, without betraying your ideals.
36 Live in harmony with the environment around you. Do you love other people and nature: the other animals, plants, air, water, earth. Avoid any aggressive activities, cultivate an attitude of benevolent and friendly, tolerate others' opinions. Cultivate patience, balance, a cool, calm and tolerance. Avoid bad company, unhealthy readings, the harmful influences.
37 Live as much as possible in a healthy environment. Avoid the big cities because of the loud noise, smog, confusion, light pollution, the dormitory suburbs ... Do not stay long in closed, poorly lit, especially with people who fumano.Vivete away from high power transmission lines (380 KV), from electrical substations, power lines laid on the facades of houses, from radio and television repeaters from video terminals (at least at arm's length) and all sources of electromagnetic pollution (two-way radio systems, mobile phones, radar systems, ovens, electric heaters, washing machines - especially during warm water - and at large). Do not use the microwave, do not sleep with an electrical appliance near the head, avoided the prolonged under the casco del parrucchiere, evitate le apparecchiature elettromedicali (pace-maker = possibili rischi di leucemie e tumori), staccate la spina della termocoperta prima di andare a letto, limitate l’utilizzo del phon.
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La vita nasce cruda: tutti i processi biologici si svolgono entro certi limiti di temperatura, temperatura entro cui cellule e tessuti svolgono le loro attività vitali.
Sulla terra, le uniche specie che si alimentano con cibi cotti sono: l'uomo e gli animali domestici.
Prima dell’utilizzo fire, the man took from the raw food and life went so directly from food to humans, as in all other animali.Il fire cooking the food actually kills the life of the food.
Example: a raw grain of wheat, if sown .. germoglialo very grain of wheat, if it is cooked first and then seeded .. rots.
Dr. Kouchakoff, Swiss physician of Lausanne, after years of studies on thousands of people, in an essay (1937), shows that every time we eat cooked food the body is determined leukocytosis (increased white blood cells ) means the body activates a defense reaction, defense to a food that does not recognize as suitable body. According to the official medicine digestive leukocytosis is physiological, but no one asks the reason why this process is determined by the food crudi.L 'Italian Dr. Lusignan, with even more far-sighted and innovative theories, already in 1924 had shown that eating raw foods, the organimo relaxes and with respect to vessel diameter is determined vasodilation with leucopenia (low white blood cell count), cooked food instead of consuming, there is vasoconstriction and increased blood bianchi.Avvicinarsi the raw food is fairly simple, but it takes skill, it is important to do everything gradually.