healing model puts a strain on our mental agility: the convictions and beliefs with respect to health and disease are reversed, you enter a world where the interpretation of the disease goes against the common sense of logic. La salute è lo stato normale degli esseri viventi; la malattia (intesa come corredo sintomatologico) è invece il tentativo del corpo di ritrovare la salute, una scelta vitale e fisiologica finalizzata alla guarigione.
I batteri accompagnano o seguono lo stato di malattia, non lo precedono e non ne sono la causa; durante la malattia vengono prodotte numerose escrezioni a livello cellulare ma questo è normale e non vi è da stupirsi che i batteri, svolgendo il loro ruolo di necrofagi, si nutrano di quei rifiuti, fluidificandoli e cooperando alla loro eliminazione. Causa primaria delle malattie è la tossiemia (aumento degli scarti metabolici nel sangue).
L'opinione pubblica viene da qualche anno sensitized to the problems resulting from pollution: the pollution of air, water, land, food are in fact toxic substances that contribute to what is called "exogenous toxemia."
cells in an intoxicated deteriorate, weaken, and premature aging muoiono.Per able to act, the self-healing forces need energy:'s hygienists call "nervous energy" or "life energy", the Oriental Qi Wilhelm Reich Orgone Or.
The vitality of every living organism depends on the vitality of its component cells, which ultimately depends on the degree of detoxification of the blood and lymph.
The recovery of health is centered on the recovery of vital energy: we work on both the causes that led to the weakening of the nervous energy that directly tossiemia.La salutePer obtain and maintain should not do is meet the needs of our body . The natural laws which we must adapt to are the laws of life: there are rules for driving a car, to prepare a recipe for building a house, do not follow the rules leads to catastrophic results, not satisfy the laws of life leads to decrease state of health, illness. According to the hygienists disease is the body's attempt to regain the well-being: wanting to treating the symptoms is therefore equivalent the concern to turn off an alarm that indicates a gas leak. The main necessities of life are the same from which our ancestors depended on air and pure water, healthy food, sun, rest, exercise, sleep, love, interest, etc. ... These factors are all important and the balance of all these depends on our power salute.Princìpi igienistaGli hygienists recommend consuming raw fruits and vegetables (foods rich in water, at least 50-60% of the total). The best advice for health - according to this thesis - is to eat a lot frutta.Gli hygienists also attach great importance to the combination of foods.
HM Shelton highlighted the fact that food each other are digested differently by the body: to be digested, foods rich in starch (such as rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc ...) need an enzyme (ptyalin) and an alkaline digestive environment, the protein foods (such as meat, cheese, eggs, nuts, etc. ...) are digested by pepsin, which acts only as an acid chemistry tells us that no environment can be simultaneously alkaline acido.HM Shelton argues that the incompatible food combinations we steal huge amounts of energy, as well as give us tired and bad digestion. If so
eat a food with a protein-dominated mainly food starch digestion will be hampered, leading to digestive disorders. That is why the fruit should be eaten alone and it is important to give him the dignity of pasto.In contrast to current beliefs, hygienists also asked not to consume protein in excess. Targeted advertising has convinced many people, many physicians and many mothers to maintain an optimal state of health and wellness, we need a high-protein diet. In fact too much protein is bad for our health, and overloads the urinary system predisposes us to chronic degenerative diseases.
HM Shelton highlighted the fact that food each other are digested differently by the body: to be digested, foods rich in starch (such as rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc ...) need an enzyme (ptyalin) and an alkaline digestive environment, the protein foods (such as meat, cheese, eggs, nuts, etc. ...) are digested by pepsin, which acts only as an acid chemistry tells us that no environment can be simultaneously alkaline acido.HM Shelton argues that the incompatible food combinations we steal huge amounts of energy, as well as give us tired and bad digestion. If so
eat a food with a protein-dominated mainly food starch digestion will be hampered, leading to digestive disorders. That is why the fruit should be eaten alone and it is important to give him the dignity of pasto.In contrast to current beliefs, hygienists also asked not to consume protein in excess. Targeted advertising has convinced many people, many physicians and many mothers to maintain an optimal state of health and wellness, we need a high-protein diet. In fact too much protein is bad for our health, and overloads the urinary system predisposes us to chronic degenerative diseases.
abuse proteins, moreover, is closely related to meat consumption that many consumers because convinti della sua indispensabilità senza sapere che, oltre a minare la salute, essa contribuisce alla devastazione del pianeta e alla fame nel mondo. La maggior parte dei cereali coltivati servono per produrre il foraggio degli allevamenti industriali, 8 kg di grano servono a produrre 1/2 kg di carne di manzo.Sole, respirazione, aria, acqua e movimento
I raggi del sole sono un vero e proprio alimento per il nostro corpo, una terra senza sole è inimmaginabile, esso è la sorgente di tutta la vita. Vengono così consigliati i bagni di sole e di aria al sole del mattino e del tramonto, i cui effetti benefici non tarderanno a farsi sentire.
I raggi del sole sono un vero e proprio alimento per il nostro corpo, una terra senza sole è inimmaginabile, esso è la sorgente di tutta la vita. Vengono così consigliati i bagni di sole e di aria al sole del mattino e del tramonto, i cui effetti benefici non tarderanno a farsi sentire.
Gli igienisti osservano poi che siamo più attenti all'acqua che mettiamo nel iron or the car battery than the one we drink: water polluted, full of lime and chlorine is a real health-conscious.
movement improves metabolism and self-confidence.
By breathing into our organization one of the most valuable assets, the air: air pollution is this an attack on health. E 'useful, as soon as possible, leave town and go where the air is to breathe better. Deep breathing is more regular and longer life is full of energy.
hygienist for the doctrine are three elements to be considered to have a good physical and mental balance: · balance biochemistry of our body, the quality of our metabolism, toxemia, hormonal balance, · the construction of our physical body, the correlation between the spine, skull, pelvis and nervous system and internal organs, our muscle tension, our habitual posture · our psychological state, our unique way of representing and perceiving the world.
These three elements are interdependent with each other because our biochemistry and our posture affects our perception of reality: for example, if we are in a physiological state of great tension, or are terribly tired, in the grip of pain Physical or a low blood sugar level tend to represent the world in order to enhance our negative thoughts. Good posture improves circulation (which in turn improves the biochemistry) and also affects the nervous system.
The results that you can get on the road to health depend largely on the perception of the world, from belief systems, how we represent reality.
What we believe is more important than what exists in reality. The placebo effect becomes one of the greatest discoveries of the world and missed the medicina.Un bit 'of history:
The hygienist movement was born in the United States of America in the first half of 1800.
The history of this movement begins with Sylvester Graham (1794-1851), great orator and religious man who, after studying to prepare for the priesthood, he worked two years in the league against alcoholism in Pennsylvania. He founded the Movement for the Reformation of Life in those days and had the courage to say that the best way to health was a life and do not correct the systematic recourse to doctors and farmaci.La Magazine Graham began to spread the message, the His followers multiplied, hotels and homes were opened restaurant that provided his diet and his insegnamenti.Il work of this great pioneer was organized in a rational way by doctors Isaac Jennings, and George H. Russel Trall Taylor which the basic principles of the model hygienist in the first half of the nineteenth century. At this time we are witnessing a wave of popular protest against the abuse of drugs and dosages heroic behavior of the doctors 'official' time, so they took soil therapeutic models such as homeopathy and physiotherapy, able to meet the demand for Medication lighter. The model developed hygienist opposed to any type of medication.
Among the pioneers hygienist must remember the figure of Dr. Isaac Jennings (1788-1874). After practicing medicine for a long time the 'official', he decided to drop pills, powders and plasters to explore a new field: twenty years of experience in the had in fact led to trust less and less of the drug and increasing healing systems instead of means and powers of life.
and began to treat small problems, teaching hygiene and giving pills to his patients of bread and water color. Encouraged by early successes, he began to treat the same way more serious and complex diseases. Finally, after fifteen years of success without drugs threw the mask: his doctor friends were surprised, some of his patients denounced him as a liar for having been deceived, but the majority of them - although confused by the trick (placebo drug) used to heal - the encouraged to continue, saying: "If you can cure without medicine then it is our doctor. "Dr.. Jennings then continued his work, saying that the system was based on the wrong drugs because they - instead of treating people - actually impeded their healing or changing the original illness in drug-disease (iatrogenic disease). then draw up a therapeutic model in which the disease is a unit and the manifestations of the same (in the form of fever, rash, cough, diarrhea, etc ...) are nothing but efforts to get rid of nature by toxemia.
Many other scholars helped to develop and disseminate ideas among them Dr. hygienists. JH Tilden (1851-1940), author of toxemia and detoxification, a book still current that represents the true starting point of the model and which we will hygienist in seguito.Ma the real father remains contemporary hygienist Dr. Herbert H. Shelton (1895-1985), author of a monumental work in seven volumes - The sanitation systems - which is the synthesis and elaboration, mediated by his experience, the writings left by his predecessors and hygienists have been forgotten. In its clinical
School of Health followed nearly sixty years he has more than 20,000 fast, bringing in more than 40 books a huge amount of scientific material on the results obtained in conditions considered to be serious or very serious.
Thanks to Shelton and his numerous students system hygienist is going to be known all over the world. In recent years it has increased the demand for non-conventional therapies (homeopathy, anthroposophic, Ayurvedic, Chinese and Tibetan, naturopathy, digiunoterapia and hygiene). On all these schools, however, was thrown the great curse of drug medicine, you are not scientific!
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