Sulla terra, le uniche specie che si alimentano con cibi cotti sono: l'uomo e gli animali domestici.
Prima dell’utilizzo fire, the man took from the raw food and life went so directly from food to humans, as in all other animali.Il fire cooking the food actually kills the life of the food.
Example: a raw grain of wheat, if sown .. germoglialo very grain of wheat, if it is cooked first and then seeded .. rots.
Dr. Kouchakoff, Swiss physician of Lausanne, after years of studies on thousands of people, in an essay (1937), shows that every time we eat cooked food the body is determined leukocytosis (increased white blood cells ) means the body activates a defense reaction, defense to a food that does not recognize as suitable body. According to the official medicine digestive leukocytosis is physiological, but no one asks the reason why this process is determined by the food crudi.L 'Italian Dr. Lusignan, with even more far-sighted and innovative theories, already in 1924 had shown that eating raw foods, the organimo relaxes and with respect to vessel diameter is determined vasodilation with leucopenia (low white blood cell count), cooked food instead of consuming, there is vasoconstriction and increased blood bianchi.Avvicinarsi the raw food is fairly simple, but it takes skill, it is important to do everything gradually.
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