Per l’uomo salute e benessere sono dei fini raggiungibili soltanto se si atterrà ad un modello di vita in armonia con le sue esigenze biologiche, psichiche e spirituali. La malattia è fondamentalmente imputabile ad una deviazione da questo modello: solo il ripristino di abitudini e comportamenti adeguati riporteranno la salute.
Chi segue l’Igienismo respinge quindi l’atteggiamento fatalistico nei confronti della malattia: non dal caso dipende, ma dall’errore. Quando you are evil is a sign that, perhaps inadvertently, has been violated some law of nature.
The harmonious design of Nature, however, the disease also has a meaning, tends to an end, has a place that fits the whole process vitali.I symptoms, signs morbid, el ' all disease processes are not (if not the end, after passing an extreme limit) expression of a failure of the body, the breaking of 'life balance, but they are exceptional but finalistic processes through which the body reacts to the "poisoning" determined by progressive incongruous habits in order to restore normalcy. In other words, the disease is a manifestation of the ability to heal and repair the body. "The body heals due to illness"
remember that "Drugs" in English means both "poison" that "drugs".
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