This is undoubtedly the slogan that best represents the unbearable weight that the American model has in recent decades.
There is no event of some significance that, for better or worse, do not intertwine with the American interest, perceived by the collective imagination as the only point of reference, it could be, if not sacrosanct line. Consequently, there is no choice that people can take without being behind Uncle Sam ready to put its beak.
by the support from the Mafia in Sicily to ensure the success of landing in '43 to military servitude scattered all over the world for 60 years of unnecessary wars fought for the interest del complesso militare-industriale alla finanza creativa, da Mc Donalds alla fashion Apple, da Johnson a Bush Jr. (che coppia di merdacce!!!) da McCarthy al Ku Klux Klan , il 90% dell' American Way è spazzatura imposta al mondo da una nazione con lo sviluppo intellettuale medio di una comunità del basso Medioevo, che pensa di darsi un tono facendosi di tanto in tanto il lifting facciale e dispensando a piene mani un proforma diplomatico che fa a cazzotti con la realtà sul campo. E' il caso dell'Obama di questi giorni, che al comando di una nazione sempre più malconcia continua a dettare la politica estera di un intero emisfero, while across the world, its general (Petraeus ) becomes author of affirmation that even the Nazis at Nuremberg had the courage to pronounce.
This proliferation of American pomposity decades, has been done with more and more tyranny off the void left by Europe, until recently justified by national divisions, now covered by a Brussels silence pierced only when the bell rings to protect the economic interests Community, not coincidence that never coincide with the interests of citizens, in full adherence to the Treaty of Lisbon that focuses on the protection of its market development instead of a single physical entity.
Centrality of GDP in short, in style American where people question the system goes out of turn mystically killed by the extremist .
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