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Cyrus Disciple - The Case - Part 2 A - "Pills" Astrology
Cyrus Disciple - The Case - Part 2-B "Pills" Astrology
Cyrus Disciple - The Houses - Part 2 C - "Pills" Astrology
Cyrus Disciple - The Case - Part 2 D - "Pills" Astrology
Cyrus Disciple - The Case - Part 2 E - "Pills" by Astrology
For Uranio15 . Yes, you can: no one forbids us to start collecting used chronicles, lists of names and dates of birth. I also work every day in time-sharing, multiple books at once, but the work must be a primary one and keep the rest aside for future research.
I also agree with what Daniel says, but the most powerful tool AstralDetector is available to us, and for it to work, it takes at least three dates of birth in the same group or family and not the only date of birth of the poor girl.
For Francesca Babette. We're almost there. You have done well to choose, for this type of event, a Venus of AS and not a MC Jupiter. Among the better the first two dates when the moon is largely opposed to Saturn. In the second date, however, there is a precise sesquisquare between these two stars.
We come to rest. Why not search in network and did you get my "Applied Astrology" where are all the written rules to follow?
For example, the first rule in the days before the opening, you can enter the house, to leave bags and parcels or furniture, but you can not even use the bathroom and you prepare your coffee or cuddling with your husband.
Second rule: after the inauguration, you should experience at least one cycle of 24 hours in that house, even going out and going out to dinner, but sleeping there (even in sleeping bags if there are no floors) and doing many things you can do in a typical day at home.
Many greetings.
For Gabri. Forgive me, but I think you made an error of more input data than in an authoritative site like magnificently led by Katia and Maurice. The Sun is in the second house, but being on the cusp, is also in first.
For Lauragh . That's okay, but how are you studying and how to follow the blogs, I think that in a few months you will know enough ...
For Angelino59 . I understand your enthusiasm, but you've missed over the last forty years, dozens of examples even more "amazing" about it. Several are collected in the book Astro & Geography. But, remember, the adjective "amazing" it should use those who do not believe all'AstroGeografia and Birthdays Targeted For us it is obvious demonstrations.
The poor Mozart That has left Lipari Michel
Good Day to All .
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