- Frequenze Review -

chemikal underground 2011
“Un’eruzione psychedelica factory. " So Found describe their sound, which, roughly, runs with agility between the urgency of punk Wire, Motown tunes, the sci-fi pop of the Beta Band, a string of bossa nova and groovy textures from acid house references. After you have made albums for Surface Pressure Records Edinburgh Fence the author of a trio of original psychedelic pop arty cut not immune to recklessness and courage in the arrangements arrived at with the new Factorycraft Chemical Underground. The album takes us inside this world apart, where the game is to "ruin" watercolors perfect pop with splashes of unpredictability.
Lontani dall'essere inquadrati come una band tradizionale, i tre componenti – Ziggy, Kev e Tommy – si sono conosciuti al liceo artistico di Aberdeen, cominciando a collaborare nel collettivo artistico Found Collective e suonando in occasione delle loro mostra anche “per scansare la noia di parlare alle persone” . Col passare dei mesi prese forma un approccio, almeno in parte, più tradizionale. La band ridusse, oltre al nome, l'assetto a voce, chitarra, basso e batteria elettronica “…riuscendo ad essere ancora più noisy. " Simultaneously with the processing of the album, recorded in a prolific week in a factory in Glasgow, home of the Chem 19 Studios owned by the Chemikal Underground, the band was making a sound installation, Cybraphon, based on a Orchestrion of the 19th century - project that also brought him a BAFTA award.
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