Sunday, May 24, 2009
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The eat three meals a day is an invention of modern man that came out only in the last hundred years. The fashion ranges with coffee, snacks and naps came to light only in recent decades. Appetite
means "strong desire".
If we have the appetite for food we also have a strong desire to eat. Being a slave of appetite leads to being a glutton.
television, newspaper and radio bombard us constantly with warnings about "the good things to eat." Almost every new cookbook on the market was an immediate success. All this has led us to be dependent on food by creating appetites we can not control.
However all these unnecessary '... can be stopped when you finally realize that all this makes no sense. People are getting rich by selling products that fill the mouth. In fact, we use food as fun.
When we consume what we call 'breakfast', and usually from 6.00 A. M. to 21.00 PM we break the fast from the Supper during the night.
If you eat something early in the morning, in spite of the laws down, then eat a fruit at a time such as melon, orange, grapes, plums, apples or other fruits. This will give the least possible shock to your body and get the best from food.
Do not feel guilty if you eat only fruit for breakfast. Later, you can develop your eating habits more fully than your body requires.
To understand "why" we should only eat two meals a day we have to understand 'the biological clock of our body. "
During the night of rest and sleep, your body is assimilating the food the day before and you're loading of nervous energy. When you get up in the morning your body has no need of food because there is no shortage of energy. And 'in fact, already loaded and ready to go.
In this first round of the day the food would normally Essert repulsive. Your body should be "restored" after a good night's rest and sleep and is anxious to be engaged in some activity except eating. You should have an interest in "doing something".
The body undergoes three distinct stages in each period of 24 hours.
1) Appropriation of food. This phase does not start until you're hungry. This usually happens around noon when you started to finish your resources through the activity of glycogen. We must eat during lunch and dinner.
2) Dealing with food. This phase will start later in the evening and goes on till the early morning hours (about 4). During this time of rest and sleep, the body does its homework.
3) Elimination of metabolic wastes and the body of the toxic substances ingested . This phase usually begins in early morning and lasts until noon (between 4 and 11-12). Our appetite and digestive system goes down (?) during these hours. Psychologically, we need food, but there is no physiological demand for it. We'll never really hungry. If we eat during this phase, the energies directed towards cleaning the body will again be re-directed to the digestion.
It 's always a shock to the body to stop her biological clock. When we eat breakfast interfere with the normal operation of the body.
Dr. Herbert M. Shelton - from "Arthritis: natural solution" Source:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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RULE 1: Only eat when you are hungry. Do not confuse hunger with appetite.
REGOLA 2 : Mangiate solo quando liberi da stress emotivi. Quando si mangia si dovrebbe essere calmi, rilassati, senza preoccupazioni, senza fretta e in uno stato mentale gioioso. Non mangiate mai quando siete malati, stanchi, doloranti, arrabbiati, frustrati o sconvolti.
REGOLA 3 : Non bevete immediatamente prima , durante o dopo i pasti.
REGOLA 4 : Mangiate solo dei cibi che vanno d’accordo con voi. Essi dovrebbero essere cibi deliziosi che sono un piacere a mangiare. Se il cibo che mangiate non vi sembra buono allora non mangiatelo, in quanto i vostri succhi digestivi non scorreranno.
REGOLA 5 : Mangiate solo cibi che sono naturali per la dieta umana e possibilmente del vostro orto. L’uomo is constitutionally suited to a diet of fruit, vegetables, succulent, green leaves, nuts and seeds. Not all the fruits or vegetables or all green leaves but a narrow beam in relation to all things that grow.
RULE 6: Chew your food carefully. The food was completely crushed by chewing is readily accessible to digestive juices. Foods that are swallowed in chunks take longer to digest. We can recover a lot more energy in the digestive process if we consume a little chewing our food thoroughly. Swallowing food without chewing leads to overeating, a hasty drink and all problems that arise. When you eat, you a mouthful, masticatelo carefully and swallow it before you put another in her mouth.
RULE 7: There have been fed in excess. . . there are undernourished. There are two forms of malnutrition. One thing is too eat a certain food and another is eating too little. Eating food outside of our digestive capacity makes no sense because it only becomes material for bacterial decomposition
RULE 8: Eat your foods in compatible combinations.
RULE 9: Rest after eating. Do not you engage in rigorous exercises or activities.
RULE 10: Take a break of at least five hours between meals and another. The Eat to live requires surprisingly little food and can survive on one meal a day.
RULE 11: Eat foods at room temperature or lukewarm or cold.
RULE 12: Eat only pleasant and enjoyable as between people.
sconfortevoli environments and people create the same type as stomach discomfort.
RULE 13: Eat only fresh foods in their natural state. When you eat these foods increase the white cells. Foods cooked at 120-190 degrees have their enzymes destroyed and the cells grow, but if some raw foods are eaten with the number of white cells is unchanged.
RULE 14: Eat only foods that are good and tasty, and so come la natura li ha creati. La nutrizione viene diminuita o distrutta nei cibi che sono cotti, raffinati, mischiati, oppure combinati in modo scorretto.
REGOLA 15 : Mangiate per lo meno 80% di cibo che nelle reazioni metaboliche è alcalino. I cibi cotti provocano un acido dannoso che nel loro stato naturale non provocherebbero.
REGOLA 16 : Se mangiate carne, uova, latte, o qualsiasi altro cibo animale fatelo raramente e solamente in caso di molto freddo o carestia. Tutti i prodotti animali formano acido nel sistema alimentare degli uomini. È possibile essere perfettamente sani senza mangiare prodotti animali.
REGOLA 17 : Il pane, che non è un “sostegno di vita”, dovrebbe essere consumato moderatamente. Il grano germogliato costituisce un cibo molto nutritivo ed è considerato più una verdura che un cereale. I germogli di molte specie sono deliziosi e sani. Mangiando tre cucchiai di germogli di grano ogni giorno con un’insalata avrete un nutrimento abbastanza valido. Il pane di grano intero integrale può costituire un valido alimento ma la cottura distrugge alcuni dei nutrimenti. Il maggiore problema costituito dalla consumazione di pane è il fatto che noi generalmente mangiamo questo cibo altamente amidaceo con cibi pieni di zucchero o di marmellata. Noi abitualmente lo mangiamo in combinazioni sbagliate.
Il pane commerciale contiene tanti additivi ed è talmente lavorato che non è veramente un cibo buono. La cottura, comunque, makes it easier to digest cereal starches. And 'better go easy with cereals, if you can, especially with cereal products, which are a complete waste of time, money and energy when compared to raw foods.
RULE 18: Never eat condiments. This means no salt, pepper or spices. Dall'aceto Stay away from sauces, onions, Dall'Aglio from mustard etc.. They are all irritants. Irritants interfere in the digestion and can even stop it.
RULE 19: Do not allow anything else that is different from the whole food and pleasant to get into your body. This means that we reject anything that is not healthy or necessary to our system. It also means complete abstention from coffee, tea, chocolate, chlorinated water and medicines.
Source: The simple combination of food of H. Shelton
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foods are those substances which, through the complex process of digestion, are processed by the body and related by blood. Unnecessary substances, such as medicines, are poisonous. To be useful, the substance should not contain harmful ingredients and superflui.Il tobacco, for example, is a plant that contains proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. For this reason, should be considered a food, but, in addition to the above, contains significant amounts of poisons, including some of the most dangerous in nature. Tobacco, therefore, is not a food. A little regular
digestion can not provide the materials used to produce a rich blood, which will result from this tissue are not fed properly, that the general health will suffer and that the constitution will deteriorate. It is very important to remember that the normal process of blood production depends on the preparation of materials that serve this purpose, in the digestive tract. Good digestion, therefore, means a normal turnover of tissues throughout the body. From better digestion, as a result, a general improvement of all vital functions.
Foods are not digested they do not have any value. Eating and then let the food "going off" in the stomach, would not only spoil it but also something more serious: the food that will decompose in the stomach produce the body of harmful toxins.
A right combination of foods not only ensures better nutrition, as a result of digestion more functional, but also serves to protect against poisoning.
A surprising number of food allergies will disappear completely when treated allergic individuals, they learn to feed themselves, combining foods so that they can be digested. A normal digestion produces nutrients, no poisons to be placed into the bloodstream.
Many are huge and the benefits of better digestion.
Indigestion is the precursor, not the cause of many of the most serious human diseases. But any disruption of the functions, it becomes a source of secondary causes, which is el'avvelenamento dall'indigestione increases the causes of suffering that are additional to those primaries. Prevent indigestion, you keep healthy, and when indigestion is cured, the health returns.
It's probably wise to digest the food rather than resorting to drugs.
Medications provide a temporary relief to all'indigestione complains, but encourage habits that cause, resulting in damage. "There's none so deaf as those who do not want to hear," says an old proverb. Intelligent people who close their eyes to the evidence and those related to physiological combinations of food, provide for themselves problems and unnecessary suffering.
Ask these questions!
What is the benefit of eating plenty of protein and then make them rot in the gastro-intestinal duct?
Proteins made useless not build their own amino acids. What draws you
benefit from eating foods rich in vitamins and then let them decompose in the stomach and intestines? Spoiled food in such a way not provide the body with vitamins.
What advantage derives from the food you eat foods rich in minerals and then let them spoil duct Alvin? The food thus ruined not provide the body with necessary minerals. Carbohydrates that ferment in the digestive tract
are transformed into alcohol and acetic acid, not monosaccharides. The fats that go rancid in the stomach and intestines do not provide the body's fatty acids and glycerin you'll need.
To draw sustenance from foods eaten, these must first be digested and not going to hurt. Speaking of phenol, indole and the box, these poisons are often found in the urine and the amount This serves to indicate the degree of rot gut.
source: the simple combination of food of H. Shelton
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Whenever there is any living organism phenomenon due to extraneous factors, it generates a state of activity typical of living beings, in contrast to the inertia, which is the main feature of death.
Frustate un cavallo stanco ed egli lavorerà di più, ma crollerà prima.
I medici illudono i pazienti mostrando solo i primi effetti temporanei dei farmaci e ignorano del tutto gli effetti secondari e durevoli. Una volta che capirete come funzionano I farmaci e gli altri stimolanti potrete capire il raggiro incredibile cui siete vittime, mentre credendo ciecamente a tabelle, formule e parole del quale non conoscete il significato, farete solo arricchire le industrie farmaceutiche e I medici che vi assistono.
Anche i tonici rafforzano per poi debilitare. I purganti producono stitichezza, I diuretici producono l'inattività dei reni, gli espettoranti portano all'aridità dei polmoni, and so on. If the consumer constant of a drug to stop using it for a few days would see the effects.
The life force out of the brandy is not going to end up in the patient, but is consumed by the patient to expel the brandy.
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scientific medicine is built on the phenomena of "disease" rather than on health and disease processes is based on artificial, rather than on the rules of Nature.
long as man has remained healthy, did not feel the need to study, and when he is sick, his state of illness, and not the previous state of health, has demanded his attention. He began to look for disorders such care, focusing on signs and symptoms, rather than on expressions of integrity and wholeness. The science of pathology has made great strides since the invention of the microscope. In any medical school are taught the conditions and requirements of health, but only false notions of illness and treatment. In addition, the current health standard is false.
many symptoms and abnormalities think is "normal"?
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Even within our body's life follows the same law, the purpose of all the physiological activity is not in fact the benefit of a body, but the welfare of the whole organism. Health is maintained in a body which is guaranteed in the natural physiological cooperation and every organ is particularly rich, as contributing to the overall well-being of the whole body. A surplus on a court is rewarded with an increase of supplies in other organs. A considerable increase in the function of an organ, where you need it, can be obtained, just that the body can receive the appropriate compensation. The body can do the extra work if it is fueled by substances needed il lavoro dell'organismo. Quando un organo non fa il suo lavoro, viene privato dell'aiuto, regredisce e si atrofizza.
Quella che viene chiamata “selezione naturale” è solo una lotta contro la degenerazione.
La società che delinea il Darwinismo si basa sulla concorrenza e lo sfruttamento. Non possiamo continuare a interpretare la Natura in termini di caos e anormalità, il Diavolo dev’essere spodestato dal suo impero biologico e sociologico!