long as man has remained healthy, did not feel the need to study, and when he is sick, his state of illness, and not the previous state of health, has demanded his attention. He began to look for disorders such care, focusing on signs and symptoms, rather than on expressions of integrity and wholeness. The science of pathology has made great strides since the invention of the microscope. In any medical school are taught the conditions and requirements of health, but only false notions of illness and treatment. In addition, the current health standard is false.
civilized humanity is sick and what we call "healthy" are just a little 'less sick of what we call "sick."
The mistake is to believe that what is the average man represents the ideal or the norm.
We go from a sickly childhood to adolescence weak, with a maturity and a low premature senility or early death.
WHO and other items deemed "authoritative" in the field of health, instead of taking a model individuals are healthier, stronger and better developed, living in a rational environment, and have based their observations on individuals modest, living in unnatural living conditions. They create, in this way, false models of normalcy, trying to get closer to this average, without reflect the fact that what is normal for one, can not be for another.
For example, standards for the normal acidity of urine, are completely false. The normal human urine is alkaline in reaction. The person who has a weight in the "norm" can have it only because it covered with enough fat part of the body not otherwise developed, to follow the demands of modern fashion. A "birth" normal birth becomes a painful, sometimes long, when it should not be so. A woman in the "norm" will suffer any bleeding during ovulation. The normal standards that represent the averages and not the true and authentic biological norm or ideal, have no real meaning.
many symptoms and abnormalities think is "normal"?
many symptoms and abnormalities think is "normal"?
There are many examples of true symptoms that are so universal in civilized life, which the ignorant call them normal or natural among them we find the common sense of swelling, a bad habit of spitting, red cheeks, which are usually considered a sign and health are synonymous with plethora and irritation and show a predisposition to febrile illness. The doctor studies the disease so much that life becomes a disease. Pregnancy becomes a disease, the birth of a child becomes a surgical procedure, the fetus cancer. And the psychiatrist you dice che ogni uomo soffre di un certo grado di sadismo. Confusi dai loro studi i medici vengono allontanati dalla condizione normale addentrandosi nella patologia. Se escludiamo l’interferenza dell’uomo, non c’è quasi nessuna malattia nella natura selvaggia; in tutto il mondo animale c’è una prevalenza di salute positiva. Anche tutte le manie igieniche si scontrano con lo stile di vita degli animali in armonia con la natura.
Il dolore è sempre conseguenza della violazione delle leggi della Natura.
Tutta la povertà, che ci circonda oggi, è il risultato della violazione delle leggi. Le istituzioni e gli organi di potere ne sono responsabili, ma non avrebbero mai potuto rendere the world as it is today without the help of people who for centuries have had their deception and perpetuated the violation of natural laws.
Source: The hygienistic H. Shelton
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