Here lies the great deception of drugs sold as life-saving.
For example, is expected to help purgative or laxative action of the intestines or the liver, it is not. They act as irritants to the contrary, the chemical reaction of salt (or any other drug) with a fluid or tissue of the body, destroys them, weakening their structure and their function. Irritating in direct proportion to their destructiveness.
So the gut is acting to eliminate them, does nothing but play its natural role for self-preservation, trying to eliminate the dose of salts in the body. The action of the bowel is a vital action is carried out by the vital forces, not substances introduced from outside (laxatives) that do nothing but weaken gradually.
All dead things as the drugs are completely passive and the only property you have is inertia, the tendency that is to remain firm until they are disturgate by something else: it is in fact the strength to do nothing.
Instead, the life force that was used and consumed in every vital action or medical body comes from within and not outside. It is the living force, not the medicine that works.
The life force is the cause of action, the damage that threatens the (stimulant drug) is instead an opportunity to act. The subjects living not tolerate the presence of dead matter. The harmful substances are readily attacked, neutralized and disposed of in such a way as to produce the body as little damage as possible. The effect on the body vivente di qualsiasi atto, abitudine, agente chimico, indulgenza ecc. è l'esatto contrario del primo effetto. Ad esempio l'eccitazione e l'indulgenza sessuale accrescono prima la forza vitale e la forza, poi si ha debolezza e sonnolenza.
Un anestetico aumenta quasi tutte le funzioni del corpo: ronzio nelle orecchie, bagliori luminosi negli occhi, aumento dei battiti cardiaci, deglutizione involontaria, aumento della secrezione salivare, respirazione accellerata, aumento dell'irritabilità riflessa. Questo periodo di eccitazione è seguito da un calo delle funzioni, fino a che cessa ogni movimento volontario.
Anche il tè, il caffè, il cioccolato, le spezie, la meat. have effect as the first increase in energy (stimulation) and as a side effect, inavariabile and durable, the weakening, in proportion to the force that seem to give.
No body can use energy in the actions of life without having, therefore, need a rest to regenerate.
The mental and physical relaxation can be accompanied by the physiological, which can be secured in part temporarily interrupting the power supply. The food is to work the stomach, intestines, liver, lungs, heart, glands and so on. and when the amount of food consumed is reduced, the amount of work that these bodies devono svolgere, diminuisce.
Frustate un cavallo stanco ed egli lavorerà di più, ma crollerà prima.
I medici illudono i pazienti mostrando solo i primi effetti temporanei dei farmaci e ignorano del tutto gli effetti secondari e durevoli. Una volta che capirete come funzionano I farmaci e gli altri stimolanti potrete capire il raggiro incredibile cui siete vittime, mentre credendo ciecamente a tabelle, formule e parole del quale non conoscete il significato, farete solo arricchire le industrie farmaceutiche e I medici che vi assistono.
Anche i tonici rafforzano per poi debilitare. I purganti producono stitichezza, I diuretici producono l'inattività dei reni, gli espettoranti portano all'aridità dei polmoni, and so on. If the consumer constant of a drug to stop using it for a few days would see the effects.
The life force out of the brandy is not going to end up in the patient, but is consumed by the patient to expel the brandy.
Source: The hygienistic H. Shelton
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