Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Walkie Talkie Watches
Il gusto alterato!
Avevo preso dei fagioli in barattolo di vetro, quelli precotti. Andrea ha mangiato due fagioli dicendo che erano sott’aceto, ma non avevano aceto negli ingredienti. Io li ho assaggiati e avevano uno spiccato sapore aspro e di aceto. Erano andati a male!!! Curioso quindi il sapore aspro di aceto che avevano preso. L’aceto che comunemente si consuma come condimento assume quel sapore grazie al processo della “fermentazione” delle mele o dell’uva (vino) che altro non è che un processo di decomposizione dell’alimento. Quindi ricordate: aceto = morte! Uva and apples (ripe, but not fermented) = life!
... Andrea liked as well! It takes a long time to assess objectively the flavors because for years we have tricked our senses. - Manu

... Andrea liked as well! It takes a long time to assess objectively the flavors because for years we have tricked our senses. - Manu
Revolution Speed Facemasks For Sale
Niente carne ai frugivori
The class has a physical structure of the carnivorous predators (claws, canines developed), short bowel and strongly acidic (10 times more than your average herbivore), the intestine short (only 3 times the length of the trunk) is used to avoid stopping too long the meat ingested, since it is easily rot. The short intestine also is strongly acidic because it has to neutralize the toxic meat batter.
Let the class of herbivores: the physical structure strong but not aggressive, with no real teeth to bite into fruits upper incisors, and canines to tear, gut lengths of up to 20 times the trunk, digestive enzyme that can transform and digest the cellulose plant .
Now look at the man: physical structure, not aggressive, long-tract 12 times the length of the trunk, weak jaws and pronounced, especially in developed incisor teeth to bite and bite into fruits and dishes and robust molars to grind seeds and vegetables , and a little weak stomach acid, which does not possess the appropriate enzymes to neutralize toxic substances produced by decomposition of carne.Fisiologicamente man is more similar to plant-eaters such as monkeys or elephants than to carnivores such as tigers and leopards.
Carnivores, for example, do not breathe through the skin: the body temperature is regulated with rapid breathing and extrusion of the tongue. Vegetarian animals, however, have sweating pores to remove impurities and adjust the temperatura.L 'man has a hand hanging like monkeys and rodents, such as to grasp and pick fruits and rounded objects. If we consider the placenta, the human is discoid, like that of apes.
seems that man has the food of choice fruits and verdura.L 'man is naturally frugivorous. It has become omnivorous and degeneration.
Around smelly landfill, hundreds of miles distant from the sea, sometimes living community of gulls that feed on waste, but are not "rifiutivori, if anything were aberrated by altering their habits to the detriment of their health and primordial beauty.
Now, those who say that man is frugivorous and sweet and juicy fruit that is his perfect food, becomes the object of scorn and derision, as the antithesis of the current condition.

Let the class of herbivores: the physical structure strong but not aggressive, with no real teeth to bite into fruits upper incisors, and canines to tear, gut lengths of up to 20 times the trunk, digestive enzyme that can transform and digest the cellulose plant .
Now look at the man: physical structure, not aggressive, long-tract 12 times the length of the trunk, weak jaws and pronounced, especially in developed incisor teeth to bite and bite into fruits and dishes and robust molars to grind seeds and vegetables , and a little weak stomach acid, which does not possess the appropriate enzymes to neutralize toxic substances produced by decomposition of carne.Fisiologicamente man is more similar to plant-eaters such as monkeys or elephants than to carnivores such as tigers and leopards.
Carnivores, for example, do not breathe through the skin: the body temperature is regulated with rapid breathing and extrusion of the tongue. Vegetarian animals, however, have sweating pores to remove impurities and adjust the temperatura.L 'man has a hand hanging like monkeys and rodents, such as to grasp and pick fruits and rounded objects. If we consider the placenta, the human is discoid, like that of apes.
seems that man has the food of choice fruits and verdura.L 'man is naturally frugivorous. It has become omnivorous and degeneration.
Around smelly landfill, hundreds of miles distant from the sea, sometimes living community of gulls that feed on waste, but are not "rifiutivori, if anything were aberrated by altering their habits to the detriment of their health and primordial beauty.
Now, those who say that man is frugivorous and sweet and juicy fruit that is his perfect food, becomes the object of scorn and derision, as the antithesis of the current condition.
What Age Put Baby Forward In Baby Bjorn
Il cibo cotto
Let the cooked food is a food is dead demonstrated by the fact that a seed germinates no more cooked a chicken egg if fertilized will never cooked a chicken, pulled a plant with the roots intact when subjected to cooking does not hang up again. With
cooking proteins undergo a sharp decline of their biological value, such decay is particularly intense in the case of boiling, then if the cooking is done by roasting or toasting denature proteins and produce toxic substances known to be cracking some of which are carcinogenic, such as benzopyrene.
The grilled meats are a cause, now confirmed, of cancer.
The same can be said of the seeds subjected to roasting (coffee, cocoa, bread toasted etc..) are formed of tar cracking have been identified in which at least a dozen carcinogens (Prof. A. Laut, Vie et Action).
The digestibility of protein decreases with the cooking (except for egg whites).
The protein at 60 ° flocculate and then begin to coagulate and became completely resistant cooking juices gastrici.La prevents salivary digestion and makes it less digestible starches. The heat causes the fat oxidation leads first to formation of peroxides and hydroperoxides and then to short-chain fatty acids. In addition, the glycerin which is a highly toxic free. Linoleic acid, linolenic acid as valuable to the synthesis phospholipids, undergo structural changes with the heat that make them inactive. The cooked fat slows the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and slows the development of bones. The French engineer Andre
Simoneton seriously ill and without hope of recovery, regained his health with vegetarian and those studying the cause of the healing power of plants. He found that the radiation emitted by a healthy body is hovering around 6500 Angstrom whereas in case of illness or poor diet always fall below this livello.Simoneton divided food into three categories: 1) dead food (cooked or preserved , margarine, confectionery industry, alcohol, liquor, sugar white and natural) these products have no or almost no radiation, 2) lower food (meat, sausages, eggs, fresh, boiled milk, coffee, tea, chocolate, jam, cheese, white bread: they have less than 5000 Angstrom radiation and 3) higher food (raw and ripe fruit and raw vegetables and fresh): These foods have very high radiation between 8000 and 10000 Angstrom. Moreover, the radiation of fruit and vegetables are higher the shorter the time elapsed since their collection.
Foods that can not be eaten raw was not intended by nature to eat.
When men ate raw foods lived longer and were stronger and more resistenti alle fatiche.Gli animali nutriti con carne cotta vivono meno a lungo ed hanno minori capacità di riproduzione inoltre tendono a sviluppare maggiori malattie mentre l’alimentazione cruda rende perfino più agevole il parto degli animali.
La cottura distrugge il corredo vitaminico, specie delle vitamine termolabili: enzimi, ormoni, antiossidanti naturali: elementi che sono alla base delle difese naturali dell’organismo;- cambia ciò che era organico in inorganico rendendolo inutilizzabile dall’organismo; specialmente le vit. B e C solubili in acqua, si dissolvono alla prima cottura; causa grande perdita di minerali solubili, dal 20 al 70%;- la cottura a vapore produce una perdita dal 22 al 43%; produce acido uric acid that damages the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, heart.
higher the water you use to cook the food the greater the amount of nutrients that are lost. The cooked cabbage loses 62% protein, 72% of its calcium, 60% phosphorus and 67% iron. The loss of vit. C of vegetables is 45% in soybeans is 70%.
A cooked food is a food oxidized. When the meat is boiled organic phosphates are transformed into inorganic. With the cooked food the body can not take all the necessary food feels the need to ingest more food, with what follows. If you nourish it would be enough raw food half of the quantity we eat to be cooked.
is not true that things are more appetizing baked: they are possibly the seasonings that make them such, but the spices and flavors are often toxic.
be remembered that among the many sad human primates (such as being the only animal that gets the milk of another animal after weaning) is to mix and cook the foods they eat.
The cook roasts, boils, cook stew, add sauces, gravies, flavoring and then mix and stir until the initial substance, totally fake, you can not recognize the taste, color, aroma. A food that does not exist in nature, suitable for people not intended to esistere.Camuffare death, the grim flavor and appearance of the corpse of an animal, with the colors and flavors of life, this synthesis in the profession of chef. More than one chef is renowned and famous, swashbuckling, arrogant, adventurous, and its proposals will be blasphemous and its variations, on his infernal machine food, processed in constant conflict with the needs of healthy people should consume its deceptive works' culinary arts.
Extract from an article by Franco Manco Free

cooking proteins undergo a sharp decline of their biological value, such decay is particularly intense in the case of boiling, then if the cooking is done by roasting or toasting denature proteins and produce toxic substances known to be cracking some of which are carcinogenic, such as benzopyrene.
The grilled meats are a cause, now confirmed, of cancer.
The same can be said of the seeds subjected to roasting (coffee, cocoa, bread toasted etc..) are formed of tar cracking have been identified in which at least a dozen carcinogens (Prof. A. Laut, Vie et Action).
The digestibility of protein decreases with the cooking (except for egg whites).
The protein at 60 ° flocculate and then begin to coagulate and became completely resistant cooking juices gastrici.La prevents salivary digestion and makes it less digestible starches. The heat causes the fat oxidation leads first to formation of peroxides and hydroperoxides and then to short-chain fatty acids. In addition, the glycerin which is a highly toxic free. Linoleic acid, linolenic acid as valuable to the synthesis phospholipids, undergo structural changes with the heat that make them inactive. The cooked fat slows the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and slows the development of bones. The French engineer Andre
Simoneton seriously ill and without hope of recovery, regained his health with vegetarian and those studying the cause of the healing power of plants. He found that the radiation emitted by a healthy body is hovering around 6500 Angstrom whereas in case of illness or poor diet always fall below this livello.Simoneton divided food into three categories: 1) dead food (cooked or preserved , margarine, confectionery industry, alcohol, liquor, sugar white and natural) these products have no or almost no radiation, 2) lower food (meat, sausages, eggs, fresh, boiled milk, coffee, tea, chocolate, jam, cheese, white bread: they have less than 5000 Angstrom radiation and 3) higher food (raw and ripe fruit and raw vegetables and fresh): These foods have very high radiation between 8000 and 10000 Angstrom. Moreover, the radiation of fruit and vegetables are higher the shorter the time elapsed since their collection.
Foods that can not be eaten raw was not intended by nature to eat.
When men ate raw foods lived longer and were stronger and more resistenti alle fatiche.Gli animali nutriti con carne cotta vivono meno a lungo ed hanno minori capacità di riproduzione inoltre tendono a sviluppare maggiori malattie mentre l’alimentazione cruda rende perfino più agevole il parto degli animali.
La cottura distrugge il corredo vitaminico, specie delle vitamine termolabili: enzimi, ormoni, antiossidanti naturali: elementi che sono alla base delle difese naturali dell’organismo;- cambia ciò che era organico in inorganico rendendolo inutilizzabile dall’organismo; specialmente le vit. B e C solubili in acqua, si dissolvono alla prima cottura; causa grande perdita di minerali solubili, dal 20 al 70%;- la cottura a vapore produce una perdita dal 22 al 43%; produce acido uric acid that damages the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, heart.
higher the water you use to cook the food the greater the amount of nutrients that are lost. The cooked cabbage loses 62% protein, 72% of its calcium, 60% phosphorus and 67% iron. The loss of vit. C of vegetables is 45% in soybeans is 70%.
A cooked food is a food oxidized. When the meat is boiled organic phosphates are transformed into inorganic. With the cooked food the body can not take all the necessary food feels the need to ingest more food, with what follows. If you nourish it would be enough raw food half of the quantity we eat to be cooked.
is not true that things are more appetizing baked: they are possibly the seasonings that make them such, but the spices and flavors are often toxic.
be remembered that among the many sad human primates (such as being the only animal that gets the milk of another animal after weaning) is to mix and cook the foods they eat.
The cook roasts, boils, cook stew, add sauces, gravies, flavoring and then mix and stir until the initial substance, totally fake, you can not recognize the taste, color, aroma. A food that does not exist in nature, suitable for people not intended to esistere.Camuffare death, the grim flavor and appearance of the corpse of an animal, with the colors and flavors of life, this synthesis in the profession of chef. More than one chef is renowned and famous, swashbuckling, arrogant, adventurous, and its proposals will be blasphemous and its variations, on his infernal machine food, processed in constant conflict with the needs of healthy people should consume its deceptive works' culinary arts.
Extract from an article by Franco Manco Free
Taking Coversyl 4mg With Cardizem
We humans, being the only species on the planet, we share this world with millions of other living creatures, and together ad esse evolviamo.

Nonostante ciò, è il terrestre umano che tende a dominare la Terra, spesso trattando gli altri terrestri e creature viventicome meri oggetti.Questo è ciò che si intende per “specismo”.
Per analogia con il razzismo eil sessismo, il termine “specismo” è la tendenza a favorire l’interesse dei membri della propria specie su quello dei membri di altre specie.
Lontano dalla natura universale e vivendo secondo complicati artifici, l’uomo civilizzato osserva le creature attraverso la lente della sua conoscenza e, pertanto, l’immagine che ne it is magnified and distorted.
treat them with superiority, because of their "incompleteness." For their tragic fate of having taken form so "inferior" to ours. And in this we are mistaken greatly.
Why the animal should not be compared to humans.
In a world older and more complete than ours they moved finished and complete, with that extension of the senses we have lost or never possessed, living by voices we do not ever will hear.
For most of us, our relationship with animals is limited to the fact that they have a or two pets.
They hope that the meat they buy comes from animals that have died without pain, but the truth is sure this is interested in knowing.
Those who buy products that require the suffering of animals, do not deserve the comfort of ignorance as an excuse for not knowing the origin of the meat they buy.
So where is our food?
This was the first major documentary to me awakened conscience, for making me more aware of the system that surrounds me, realizing that the world I live in is not at all like me outwardly appears.
This is an important movie, essential, should be seen by everybody because it shows something that you do everything to hide (to prevent the spiritual awakening through love) and that is crucial to know your own path personal growth.
Here you can see the movie with subtitles in Italian http://veg-tv.info/Earthlings
Funny Birthday Voicemails
Accumulo di muco
colon therapy video: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=han3AfjevOc

from the book "The Diet Healing System Mucusless "Arnold Ehret:
is of utmost importance of using our diagnostic system we learn very well how it looks inside the human body. The diagnosis must then determine the amount of individual waste materials stored in the body of the individual patient.
Experts say that in autopsies from 50% to 70% of colon examined contain foreign matter such as worms and decades old feces as hard as rocks. The interior walls of the intestines are encrusted with hardened feces and old alike in a dirty chimney. I've had patients who have fat removed from 20 to 30 pounds of waste materials in 5 to 7 pounds just from the colon, consisting mainly of old hardened feces.
The so-called average man "Healthy" now carries with him constantly since childhood never removed several pounds of feces. "Go right to the body once a day" means absolutely nothing. A fat person is sick and in fact a "cesspool" living. It was a real surprise for me to discover that some of my patients had already made of the so-called "natural cures".
colon therapy video: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=han3AfjevOc
Parent's Email Chaotic
Come ho svezzato Alfred!
Alfred enjoys a good health. Indeed hygienist we had many responses that we could not find anywhere else, and the child, now almost four years, has never needed any type of therapy. So no use of vaccines, antibiotics, other drugs or chemicals, nor any alternative use of traditional remedies, such as homeopathic, herbal, ayurvedic, etc. .. We decided to write our own experience because it might be useful to many other parents and anyone interested in children and health. We believe that, if made available to the general public, hygiene, or the science of health would solve the problems of millions of people and we believe it is profoundly unjust and cruel that science is not disclosed. "

Retrieved site http://igienismo-igienenaturale.blogspot.com/2008/04/svezzamento-igienista-di-nostro-figlio.html "
Replacement Towel Bar Black
Medico di te stesso
Be the first physicians to involve themselves acknowledge their own responsibility upon us and the environment.
means admitting ignorant fools and the victims of deception scienza.Significa know the laws life observing and studying the principles hygienists.
Each hygienist tries to prevent the disease taking care of feeding, breathing, exercise, mental balance, taking care of the environment in which they live, the vital rhythms, and any other requirement. If you are ill knows that, despite the best intentions, he must have overlooked something, or has acted as pathogen an environmental imbalance that is not in connection with its behavior: in each case to identify and remove the error or avoid, where possible, the environmental imbalance that the disease does not recur and become chronic.
But apart from this work of reflection and change of habits, behaviors, and the environment, what does a hygienist immediately in case of illness? Far
dall'inibire and stop the disease, it puts the body in the best position to complete it, since it is a healing process.
put the body in complete bodily rest so that I can use all the energy in the healing process, senza alcuna dispersione in attività psicofisiche non essenziali. Ma per il completo riposo fisiologico è necessario il digiuno: il corpo utilizza l’”autolisi” (consumo dei tessuti) in modo tale da consumare le cellule e i tessuti superflui, sovrabbondanti o patologici per nutrire i tessuti vitali.
Il digiuno pertanto intensifica la disintossicazione perché incrementa l’azione degli emuntori e rende inoltre possibile con l’autolisi la distruzione degli accumuli patogeni e delle cellule degenerate: per questo è parte integrante del riposo fisiologico che potenzia l’autoguarigione.Un digiuno drastico su un corpo intossicato gravemente può essere alquanto controproducente.
Fonte: http://digilander.libero.it/igienenaturale/

means admitting ignorant fools and the victims of deception scienza.Significa know the laws life observing and studying the principles hygienists.
Each hygienist tries to prevent the disease taking care of feeding, breathing, exercise, mental balance, taking care of the environment in which they live, the vital rhythms, and any other requirement. If you are ill knows that, despite the best intentions, he must have overlooked something, or has acted as pathogen an environmental imbalance that is not in connection with its behavior: in each case to identify and remove the error or avoid, where possible, the environmental imbalance that the disease does not recur and become chronic.
But apart from this work of reflection and change of habits, behaviors, and the environment, what does a hygienist immediately in case of illness? Far
dall'inibire and stop the disease, it puts the body in the best position to complete it, since it is a healing process.
put the body in complete bodily rest so that I can use all the energy in the healing process, senza alcuna dispersione in attività psicofisiche non essenziali. Ma per il completo riposo fisiologico è necessario il digiuno: il corpo utilizza l’”autolisi” (consumo dei tessuti) in modo tale da consumare le cellule e i tessuti superflui, sovrabbondanti o patologici per nutrire i tessuti vitali.
Il digiuno pertanto intensifica la disintossicazione perché incrementa l’azione degli emuntori e rende inoltre possibile con l’autolisi la distruzione degli accumuli patogeni e delle cellule degenerate: per questo è parte integrante del riposo fisiologico che potenzia l’autoguarigione.Un digiuno drastico su un corpo intossicato gravemente può essere alquanto controproducente.
Fonte: http://digilander.libero.it/igienenaturale/
What Shall I Do With My Swollen Knee
La disinformazione!

To sell and to earn the chronically sickly these techniques are used:
1 - Promoting a power varies (good advice, too bad that is applied to meat, dairy products, cereals, ie non-food, fruit and vegetables so often end up in the lineup the last few seconds if no food): the trap is telling us that a vegan a vegan or raw food is subject to greater danger from lack of an omnivore. The opposite is true.
2 - eat three times a day, large meals (first, second and last but not least) many snacks mid-morning / afternoon. In fact according to the physiological rhythm skipped breakfast and would certainly eat a lot and ill-combined (such as starch and mix vegetables or fruit after a meal) will do just fine.
3 - always eat something when you are debilitated worse. Most of the time the rice is mistakenly thinking he recommended a light food. Fasting is instead a great help!
4 - to imply that little is good, it hurts too , questo buon principio derivante da una legge naturale viene esteso al consumo di cibi non idonei e contaminati, a condimenti (sale, zucchero, olio, spezie) a caffè, alcool, tè, tabacco, droghe, veleni chimici vari... (l'effetto "goccia d'acqua" di certi veleni indebolisce progressivamente l'organismo e quindi lo spirito)
Spesso le persone a cui viene consigliato un diverso tipo di alimentazione reagiscono nervosamente formulando pensieri come:
cazzata n.1 – meglio vivere10 anni così, che 100 mangiando frutta e verdura! (è un illusione vivere bene se sei schiavo dei 5 sensi!)
cazzata n.2 – se tutto è contaminato best change made poisons! (Better than strengthen body / spirit to reduce the effect of poisons)
n.3-shit to fight vitamin deficiencies need to integrate! (See separate chapter ...)
It is definitely a conspiracy actual food or cultural ignorance? I believe both!
The occult purposes are: 1
repeatedly stimulate and irritate the body and the mind preventing the awakening of consciousness, and by limiting the expression of the vital impulse creative and spontaneous.
2 Prevent people into the mentality of self sustenance and economic independence, anchored to the mechanism of slavery labor - wages - to provide for consumption and disposable items, denatured foods as well as a poisonous drug.
3 Keeping body and spirit in a chronic state of fear and disease causing an adverse reaction nell'interrelazione between individuals and allowing them to realize the principle: divide and conquer
delude the people to be happy through the constant stimulation of sensory pleasures.
4 Weaken genetically from generation to generation the human race as has been done with the plants on the market today, and grafted selected, accelerating their growth with chemicals extracted and introduced in the impoverished land of vital energy, altering the overall balance of the vital process of nutrition from the soil to plant.
learning from what is happening to plants and animals, the likely target, in my opinion is to do the same with humans by controlling the will and the vital impulses through machines, minimizing the defensive capacity the human body.
people unfortunately do not want the hassle of change.
They prefer to undergo surgery rather than change a bad habit.
do not think anyone would choose the itch for the pleasure of rubbing, yet is what many do. But we are not true?
Written by: Andrea
Retaining Soil On A Slope
Paura per le proteine?
When it comes to categorizing proteins as a so-called principles of food, should always bear in mind that all Codest principles involved together in the synthesis of cellular matter: it must prevail, that is a holistic, comprehensive, symphonic, because all the nutrients are interdependent and all are equally indispensable. You can be sure that, conversely a sectoral vision da luogo a valutazioni errate.
Per capirci: le proteine sono mal digerite in assenza di vitamine e il loro metabolismo dipende da quello dei glucidi e dei lipidi, almeno in parte. Questo ci fa pensare subito alla frutta, dove, appunto, la coesistenza ed interdipendenza dei diversi principi alimentari da luogo ad un complesso (fitocomplesso) armonioso che rappresenta, nel contempo, l'optimum anche dal punto di vista nutrizionale.
Ci dicono che ormai l’uomo si è adattato a carne e merde varie.Forse l'organismo umano, adattandosi alla alimentazione carnea, assunse le caratteristiche anatomiche e fisiologiche tipiche dei carnivori?
NO, conservò le caratteristiche del fruttariano.
Dopo milioni di anni unnatural about eating meat, our nails have turned into claws, our intestines are not shortened, our canines are not becoming elongated fangs, our gastric juice did not increase his original and weak acidity typical of Fruitarians The liver has enhanced its ability antitoxic, is missing the instinctive human attraction in childhood has disappeared from the fruit and even the equally instinctive repulsion exerted by the meat on a child just weaned.
All signs, such that eating meat is so alien to the nutritional and biological man that they can not adapt, despite suffering the grave consequences di un innaturale carnivorismo per lunghissimo tempo.
Il prof. Alan Walzer è giunto alla conclusione che la frutta non è soltanto il nostro cibo più importante, ma è l'unico al quale la specie umana è biologicamente adatta.Walker ha studiato lungamente le stilature ed i segni lasciati, nei reperti fossili, sui denti, dato che ogni tipo di cibo lascia sui denti segni particolari; scoprì, così, che "ogni dente esaminato, appartenente agli ominidi che vissero nell'arco di tempo che va da 12 milioni di anni fa, sino alla comparsa dell'Homo erectus, presenta le striature tipiche dei mangiatori di frutta, senza eccezione alcuna".
Istintivamente, quindi, i nostri progenitori mangiavano quello che la natura offered them, that is the mature fruit, colorful, fragrant, meaty, sweet. And it is easy to imagine that our ancestors ate fruit carefree, knowing nothing about the quantity and quality of proteins contained in fruits, guided only by instinct.
Eating fruit is the indisputable expression of physiological nutritional needs of our cells, it also manifests itself before the end of lactation, evident in the palatability and also on the avidity with which the child is still suckling take fresh fruit juices, which can in some cases replace breast milk (the juice of grapes, his teeth needed to chew esempio.Per and teeth begin to come to the end of lactation, ie the period in which the growth of the human infant is entrusted to the suction of the milk secretion of the mammary glands of the mother. At the end of lactation instinct directs us decisively towards the fruit. Other than the homogenized pap.
There is, therefore, entered a biological "nutrient continuity between breast milk and fruit", so we can rightly consider these two ancestral human food food prototypes.
The man has a singularly modest requirements of protein, as is easily demonstrated by examining the breast milk. Humans are not suited to high-protein foods, which would be detrimental to his health.
E 'known that by 6 months of extrauterine life the man comes to double and triple their weight by 12 °, fed solely on breast milk. Up to 5 days after the birth of the child, human milk contains 2% protein, and this figure, starting from the 6th day, and slowly begins to decrease gradually until it reaches, after 3-4 weeks, 1'1, 3% and after 7-8 weeks, 1 '1.2%, which will then be maintained more or less constant until the end of breastfeeding. Since the growth rate is highest in the first few days of life and then gradually decreases it is also logical that the percentage of protein contained in milk, and which constitute il necessario materiale di costruzione, debba seguire lo stesso andamento.
L'accrescimento ponderale dell'individuo continua, come si sa, anche dopo la comparsa dei denti, per terminare tra i 21 e 24 anni, ma con una velocità estremamente ridotta rispetto a quella del lattante.
E' pertanto del tutto ovvio che l'alimento che subentrerà al latte materno dovrà avere una percentuale di proteine corrispondente ai reali bisogni di proteine dell'individuo non più lattante, in linea con la decrescenza, prima comprovata, di tali bisogni proteici.
Riassumendo, "il fabbisogno proteico dell'uomo è massimo nel lattante, medio nell'adolescente, minimo nell'adulto":Tanto è vero che non possiamo nutrire a human baby, whose milk contains a '1.2% protein, with milk, for example. cow's milk, which contains 3.5% protein without certain features such as the primary dilution, in an attempt to prevent enteric infections and other illnesses, even serious.
The human body, therefore, observed precisely this rule, known as the "law of minimum, which we believe could be called" law of the optimum "as if the individual ingests foods that contain nutrients in amounts exceeding the its needs, the excess becomes a body for the real toxic waste and the body tries in every way to get rid of it, which happens especially for proteins, as previously has run already said.
The fruit, which has, in fact, on average, a protein suitable for normal nutritional needs of the next stage of weaning, ie, on average less than that found in breast milk during lactation terminal is around all'l , 2%
From the perspective of a pound of potato protein is a relatively much more nutritious food for a pound of meat or cheese because the human body is able to use a variety of proteins from potatoes seven times greater than those that use eating meat or cheese, since the proteins of a pound of meat or cheese are concentrated, while the same amount of protein in potatoes spread into a mass of ten etti.La same is true for apples, which are very nutritious because their relatively low protein (0.35%) are used to 100%.
All plants, even the most neglected and little known, contain proteins, without exception, this is a fixed point, it is necessary to keep presente.Elenchiamo now the most common fleshy fruits with its protein content, in percent: apricot
................................................. 0.8
watermelon ............................................. ....... 0.9
orange ............................................. . 0.9 to 1.3
avocado ......................................... ......... 2.6
banana ............................................. ....... 1,4
cetriolo................................ .................. 0,9
ciliegia ................................................... 1,2
dattero ................................................... 2,2
fico ........................................................ 1,5
fico d'India.............................................. 0,8
kaki ...........................................................1
lampone .................................................1,4
limone .....................................................0,9
mandarino.................................................. 1
mela ..................................................... 0,35
melone ................................................... 1,3
mora......................................................... 1
nespola................................................. 0,45
peperone ................................................1,2
pera ........................................................0,6
pesca ...................................................... 0,7
pomodoro................................................ 1
prugna.................................................... 0,8
uva ..................................................... 1-1,4
zucchina................................................. 1,5
media: 28,75/26 =1,1%
Ed ecco le percentuali of the most common protein in vegetables, limited to those that can be used raw:
asparagus ............................... ................... 1.8
beet ............................................. 1.2
beetroot ..................................... 1.6
artichoke ............................................. ....... 2.4
cauliflower ............................................. .... 2.6
carrot ............................................. ......... 1.2
chicory ............................................. ......... 1.6
onion ............................................. ......... 1.4
cabbage ............................................ . 3.3
red cabbage ............................................ .. 1.9
fennel ............................................. ...... 1.9
lettuce and the like .......................................... 1.3
parsnips ............................................. ..... 1.7
leek ............................................. .............. 2
radish ............................................... ..... 1
celery (leaves / stems )................................. 1.3
celery root ........................................... ... 1.5
spinach ............................................. ....... 2.2
average: 31.9 / 18 = 1.78%
Giving in just measure the prevalence of fruit, the average charge of protein foods that should be used by man stood at 1.3% about. This is well enough, rather than (again, on average, which is what matters) to the needs of man, especially after the completion of development, ie after 24 years of age.
Source: Prof. Armando D'Elia

Per capirci: le proteine sono mal digerite in assenza di vitamine e il loro metabolismo dipende da quello dei glucidi e dei lipidi, almeno in parte. Questo ci fa pensare subito alla frutta, dove, appunto, la coesistenza ed interdipendenza dei diversi principi alimentari da luogo ad un complesso (fitocomplesso) armonioso che rappresenta, nel contempo, l'optimum anche dal punto di vista nutrizionale.
Ci dicono che ormai l’uomo si è adattato a carne e merde varie.Forse l'organismo umano, adattandosi alla alimentazione carnea, assunse le caratteristiche anatomiche e fisiologiche tipiche dei carnivori?
NO, conservò le caratteristiche del fruttariano.
Dopo milioni di anni unnatural about eating meat, our nails have turned into claws, our intestines are not shortened, our canines are not becoming elongated fangs, our gastric juice did not increase his original and weak acidity typical of Fruitarians The liver has enhanced its ability antitoxic, is missing the instinctive human attraction in childhood has disappeared from the fruit and even the equally instinctive repulsion exerted by the meat on a child just weaned.
All signs, such that eating meat is so alien to the nutritional and biological man that they can not adapt, despite suffering the grave consequences di un innaturale carnivorismo per lunghissimo tempo.
Il prof. Alan Walzer è giunto alla conclusione che la frutta non è soltanto il nostro cibo più importante, ma è l'unico al quale la specie umana è biologicamente adatta.Walker ha studiato lungamente le stilature ed i segni lasciati, nei reperti fossili, sui denti, dato che ogni tipo di cibo lascia sui denti segni particolari; scoprì, così, che "ogni dente esaminato, appartenente agli ominidi che vissero nell'arco di tempo che va da 12 milioni di anni fa, sino alla comparsa dell'Homo erectus, presenta le striature tipiche dei mangiatori di frutta, senza eccezione alcuna".
Istintivamente, quindi, i nostri progenitori mangiavano quello che la natura offered them, that is the mature fruit, colorful, fragrant, meaty, sweet. And it is easy to imagine that our ancestors ate fruit carefree, knowing nothing about the quantity and quality of proteins contained in fruits, guided only by instinct.
Eating fruit is the indisputable expression of physiological nutritional needs of our cells, it also manifests itself before the end of lactation, evident in the palatability and also on the avidity with which the child is still suckling take fresh fruit juices, which can in some cases replace breast milk (the juice of grapes, his teeth needed to chew esempio.Per and teeth begin to come to the end of lactation, ie the period in which the growth of the human infant is entrusted to the suction of the milk secretion of the mammary glands of the mother. At the end of lactation instinct directs us decisively towards the fruit. Other than the homogenized pap.
There is, therefore, entered a biological "nutrient continuity between breast milk and fruit", so we can rightly consider these two ancestral human food food prototypes.
The man has a singularly modest requirements of protein, as is easily demonstrated by examining the breast milk. Humans are not suited to high-protein foods, which would be detrimental to his health.
E 'known that by 6 months of extrauterine life the man comes to double and triple their weight by 12 °, fed solely on breast milk. Up to 5 days after the birth of the child, human milk contains 2% protein, and this figure, starting from the 6th day, and slowly begins to decrease gradually until it reaches, after 3-4 weeks, 1'1, 3% and after 7-8 weeks, 1 '1.2%, which will then be maintained more or less constant until the end of breastfeeding. Since the growth rate is highest in the first few days of life and then gradually decreases it is also logical that the percentage of protein contained in milk, and which constitute il necessario materiale di costruzione, debba seguire lo stesso andamento.
L'accrescimento ponderale dell'individuo continua, come si sa, anche dopo la comparsa dei denti, per terminare tra i 21 e 24 anni, ma con una velocità estremamente ridotta rispetto a quella del lattante.
E' pertanto del tutto ovvio che l'alimento che subentrerà al latte materno dovrà avere una percentuale di proteine corrispondente ai reali bisogni di proteine dell'individuo non più lattante, in linea con la decrescenza, prima comprovata, di tali bisogni proteici.
Riassumendo, "il fabbisogno proteico dell'uomo è massimo nel lattante, medio nell'adolescente, minimo nell'adulto":Tanto è vero che non possiamo nutrire a human baby, whose milk contains a '1.2% protein, with milk, for example. cow's milk, which contains 3.5% protein without certain features such as the primary dilution, in an attempt to prevent enteric infections and other illnesses, even serious.
The human body, therefore, observed precisely this rule, known as the "law of minimum, which we believe could be called" law of the optimum "as if the individual ingests foods that contain nutrients in amounts exceeding the its needs, the excess becomes a body for the real toxic waste and the body tries in every way to get rid of it, which happens especially for proteins, as previously has run already said.
The fruit, which has, in fact, on average, a protein suitable for normal nutritional needs of the next stage of weaning, ie, on average less than that found in breast milk during lactation terminal is around all'l , 2%
From the perspective of a pound of potato protein is a relatively much more nutritious food for a pound of meat or cheese because the human body is able to use a variety of proteins from potatoes seven times greater than those that use eating meat or cheese, since the proteins of a pound of meat or cheese are concentrated, while the same amount of protein in potatoes spread into a mass of ten etti.La same is true for apples, which are very nutritious because their relatively low protein (0.35%) are used to 100%.
All plants, even the most neglected and little known, contain proteins, without exception, this is a fixed point, it is necessary to keep presente.Elenchiamo now the most common fleshy fruits with its protein content, in percent: apricot
................................................. 0.8
watermelon ............................................. ....... 0.9
orange ............................................. . 0.9 to 1.3
avocado ......................................... ......... 2.6
banana ............................................. ....... 1,4
cetriolo................................ .................. 0,9
ciliegia ................................................... 1,2
dattero ................................................... 2,2
fico ........................................................ 1,5
fico d'India.............................................. 0,8
kaki ...........................................................1
lampone .................................................1,4
limone .....................................................0,9
mandarino.................................................. 1
mela ..................................................... 0,35
melone ................................................... 1,3
mora......................................................... 1
nespola................................................. 0,45
peperone ................................................1,2
pera ........................................................0,6
pesca ...................................................... 0,7
pomodoro................................................ 1
prugna.................................................... 0,8
uva ..................................................... 1-1,4
zucchina................................................. 1,5
media: 28,75/26 =1,1%
Ed ecco le percentuali of the most common protein in vegetables, limited to those that can be used raw:
asparagus ............................... ................... 1.8
beet ............................................. 1.2
beetroot ..................................... 1.6
artichoke ............................................. ....... 2.4
cauliflower ............................................. .... 2.6
carrot ............................................. ......... 1.2
chicory ............................................. ......... 1.6
onion ............................................. ......... 1.4
cabbage ............................................ . 3.3
red cabbage ............................................ .. 1.9
fennel ............................................. ...... 1.9
lettuce and the like .......................................... 1.3
parsnips ............................................. ..... 1.7
leek ............................................. .............. 2
radish ............................................... ..... 1
celery (leaves / stems )................................. 1.3
celery root ........................................... ... 1.5
spinach ............................................. ....... 2.2
average: 31.9 / 18 = 1.78%
Giving in just measure the prevalence of fruit, the average charge of protein foods that should be used by man stood at 1.3% about. This is well enough, rather than (again, on average, which is what matters) to the needs of man, especially after the completion of development, ie after 24 years of age.
Source: Prof. Armando D'Elia
Congratulatory Marriage
Frugivori fruttariani

Power Supply The initial human species and its progenitor was, fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, tubers. This is apparent from the prehensile hands but without the claws of predators, the length of the intestine is longer than that of carnivores (where the food bolus, ie food digestion, it must stay low to avoid putrefaction process) and shorter than that of herbivores (Must be long to absorb the nutrients trapped between vegetable fiber), the teeth strape unsuitable for meat or grass.
However, forced to expand and colonize increasingly large share of the planet, humans have adapted to eat anything to survive, including meat, for example. the fish in the colder areas. Cereal and milk came only much later (between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago) with the advent of agriculture and pastoralism, heavy scourge of this planet as Zerzan said. The average man has only partially adapted to their metabolism is not without suffering damage.
La frutta costituisce un alimento naturale, fu chiaramente destinata dalla Natura, simbioticamente, a nutrire in modo ottimale, fra tanti animali, anche l'uomo.I paleoantropologi ci raccontano che la Terra, durante la preistoria dell'uomo, soffrì enormi sconvolgimenti climatici e geologici, i quali trasformarono profondamente gli ecosistemi del pianeta. Glaciazioni, interglaciazioni, periodi di eccessivo inaridimento o di insolita piovosità. L'insieme di tali eventi provocarono notevolissime riduzioni delle foreste che si trasformarono prevalentemente in savane. L'uomo fu così costretto a comportarsi come un animale da savana, per sopravvivere, fu costretto a cibarsi di quello che in tale ambiente trovava.Vi trovò le graminacee, piante that require open spaces, direct sunlight, conditions offered by the savannah and forest shadows whence the man came.
feeding granivorous and carnivorous thus represents a real deviation is not dictated by a choice, but from a state of sheer necessity that did not offer alternatives. In contradiction to the biologically innate instincts food with their own kind, 1'uomo began the degradation and degeneration physio-psychic, whose devastating effects are now more than ever, evidenti.Senza the artistry of cooking (for cereals) milling, the man he could not have become a meat eater, it cerealivoro, since its characteristics natural anatomy (teeth, etc..) alone would not have allowed.
The impact of the deviations unnatural foods (grains and protein bodies of animals, also cooked, that is, dead) was for the man, catastrophic consequences in terms of health and long life: which is understandable, given the "sheer leap" from a live food such as fruits and vitality on the one hand and starchy foods and meat, dead and deadly, high-protein such as meat, devitalized with firing on the other.
"During the period of the Neanderthals survived less than half the population over 20 years and 9 out of 10 of the remaining adults were dying before age 40. "It was above all the advent of meaty food, with its excessive content of protein and the resulting toxaemia to produce such disastrous effects on the body, but also on the minds of men; must not forget that meat creates aggressività.L 'man being helpless, and not by nature carnivorous, being baked anatomically devices designed to chase and kill and chewing raw meat of herbivores acted as a scavenger, feeding on the prey made by other animals truly carnivorous, using stones and sticks. This behavior was also called "looting." He was also forced to drive directly, forcing its natural non-aggression, spintovi by the need to find ways to survive.
Contrary to popular belief, 1'uomo not become "healthier, higher, stronger" since (about 10,000 years ago) began to devote himself to agriculture. Quite the contrary. the skeletons of prehistoric man lived in Greece and Turkey towards the end of the ice age were on average 175 cm tall, and 5,000 years ago (after 1'adozione agriculture), the height was dropped to 160 centimetri.Nella heat of the Regions tropical in which man has adapted over millions of years of evolution, does not feel any need for hot foods, and fruits are ideal for keeping food fresh for life more dynamic and to regulate transpiration.
Of all the foods that humans can eat, is the most delicious fruits to our taste, has a pleasant smell and the most beautiful shape with so many bright colors. The fruit is the only food that can completely satisfy humans ... everything else is incomplete ... Its attractive aroma, its tasty and refreshing juice and its nutritional content (vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fiber, water, proteins, etc.. ) make the best food that a human being can eat. The fruit is a food total, and contains everything you need to nourish yourself in the right proportions. Can be stored at room temperature, requires no refrigerator or stove and long preparation times and almost no dirty dishes .. Fruit is a LIVE food! The fruit has "the power and magic of life" ... The fruit-based nutrition is a very simple concept .., the only fruit, the human body produces all the other substances it needs to live vigorously for more than 100 years ...
From the site: http://www.fruitarian.com/ Translation: cristiano.Fonte: Prof. Armando D'EliaScarica the complete document at the following link: http://www.scribd. com/doc/5035812/Che-cose-il-Fruttarismo
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