To sell and to earn the chronically sickly these techniques are used:
1 - Promoting a power varies (good advice, too bad that is applied to meat, dairy products, cereals, ie non-food, fruit and vegetables so often end up in the lineup the last few seconds if no food): the trap is telling us that a vegan a vegan or raw food is subject to greater danger from lack of an omnivore. The opposite is true.
2 - eat three times a day, large meals (first, second and last but not least) many snacks mid-morning / afternoon. In fact according to the physiological rhythm skipped breakfast and would certainly eat a lot and ill-combined (such as starch and mix vegetables or fruit after a meal) will do just fine.
3 - always eat something when you are debilitated worse. Most of the time the rice is mistakenly thinking he recommended a light food. Fasting is instead a great help!
4 - to imply that little is good, it hurts too , questo buon principio derivante da una legge naturale viene esteso al consumo di cibi non idonei e contaminati, a condimenti (sale, zucchero, olio, spezie) a caffè, alcool, tè, tabacco, droghe, veleni chimici vari... (l'effetto "goccia d'acqua" di certi veleni indebolisce progressivamente l'organismo e quindi lo spirito)
Spesso le persone a cui viene consigliato un diverso tipo di alimentazione reagiscono nervosamente formulando pensieri come:
cazzata n.1 – meglio vivere10 anni così, che 100 mangiando frutta e verdura! (è un illusione vivere bene se sei schiavo dei 5 sensi!)
cazzata n.2 – se tutto è contaminato best change made poisons! (Better than strengthen body / spirit to reduce the effect of poisons)
n.3-shit to fight vitamin deficiencies need to integrate! (See separate chapter ...)
It is definitely a conspiracy actual food or cultural ignorance? I believe both!
The occult purposes are: 1
repeatedly stimulate and irritate the body and the mind preventing the awakening of consciousness, and by limiting the expression of the vital impulse creative and spontaneous.
2 Prevent people into the mentality of self sustenance and economic independence, anchored to the mechanism of slavery labor - wages - to provide for consumption and disposable items, denatured foods as well as a poisonous drug.
3 Keeping body and spirit in a chronic state of fear and disease causing an adverse reaction nell'interrelazione between individuals and allowing them to realize the principle: divide and conquer
delude the people to be happy through the constant stimulation of sensory pleasures.
4 Weaken genetically from generation to generation the human race as has been done with the plants on the market today, and grafted selected, accelerating their growth with chemicals extracted and introduced in the impoverished land of vital energy, altering the overall balance of the vital process of nutrition from the soil to plant.
learning from what is happening to plants and animals, the likely target, in my opinion is to do the same with humans by controlling the will and the vital impulses through machines, minimizing the defensive capacity the human body.
people unfortunately do not want the hassle of change.
They prefer to undergo surgery rather than change a bad habit.
do not think anyone would choose the itch for the pleasure of rubbing, yet is what many do. But we are not true?
Written by: Andrea
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