Nonostante ciò, è il terrestre umano che tende a dominare la Terra, spesso trattando gli altri terrestri e creature viventicome meri oggetti.Questo è ciò che si intende per “specismo”.
Per analogia con il razzismo eil sessismo, il termine “specismo” è la tendenza a favorire l’interesse dei membri della propria specie su quello dei membri di altre specie.
Lontano dalla natura universale e vivendo secondo complicati artifici, l’uomo civilizzato osserva le creature attraverso la lente della sua conoscenza e, pertanto, l’immagine che ne it is magnified and distorted.
treat them with superiority, because of their "incompleteness." For their tragic fate of having taken form so "inferior" to ours. And in this we are mistaken greatly.
Why the animal should not be compared to humans.
In a world older and more complete than ours they moved finished and complete, with that extension of the senses we have lost or never possessed, living by voices we do not ever will hear.
For most of us, our relationship with animals is limited to the fact that they have a or two pets.
They hope that the meat they buy comes from animals that have died without pain, but the truth is sure this is interested in knowing.
Those who buy products that require the suffering of animals, do not deserve the comfort of ignorance as an excuse for not knowing the origin of the meat they buy.
So where is our food?
This was the first major documentary to me awakened conscience, for making me more aware of the system that surrounds me, realizing that the world I live in is not at all like me outwardly appears.
This is an important movie, essential, should be seen by everybody because it shows something that you do everything to hide (to prevent the spiritual awakening through love) and that is crucial to know your own path personal growth.
Here you can see the movie with subtitles in Italian http://veg-tv.info/Earthlings
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