Let the class of herbivores: the physical structure strong but not aggressive, with no real teeth to bite into fruits upper incisors, and canines to tear, gut lengths of up to 20 times the trunk, digestive enzyme that can transform and digest the cellulose plant .
Now look at the man: physical structure, not aggressive, long-tract 12 times the length of the trunk, weak jaws and pronounced, especially in developed incisor teeth to bite and bite into fruits and dishes and robust molars to grind seeds and vegetables , and a little weak stomach acid, which does not possess the appropriate enzymes to neutralize toxic substances produced by decomposition of carne.Fisiologicamente man is more similar to plant-eaters such as monkeys or elephants than to carnivores such as tigers and leopards.
Carnivores, for example, do not breathe through the skin: the body temperature is regulated with rapid breathing and extrusion of the tongue. Vegetarian animals, however, have sweating pores to remove impurities and adjust the temperatura.L 'man has a hand hanging like monkeys and rodents, such as to grasp and pick fruits and rounded objects. If we consider the placenta, the human is discoid, like that of apes.
seems that man has the food of choice fruits and verdura.L 'man is naturally frugivorous. It has become omnivorous and degeneration.
Around smelly landfill, hundreds of miles distant from the sea, sometimes living community of gulls that feed on waste, but are not "rifiutivori, if anything were aberrated by altering their habits to the detriment of their health and primordial beauty.
Now, those who say that man is frugivorous and sweet and juicy fruit that is his perfect food, becomes the object of scorn and derision, as the antithesis of the current condition.
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