Per capirci: le proteine sono mal digerite in assenza di vitamine e il loro metabolismo dipende da quello dei glucidi e dei lipidi, almeno in parte. Questo ci fa pensare subito alla frutta, dove, appunto, la coesistenza ed interdipendenza dei diversi principi alimentari da luogo ad un complesso (fitocomplesso) armonioso che rappresenta, nel contempo, l'optimum anche dal punto di vista nutrizionale.
Ci dicono che ormai l’uomo si è adattato a carne e merde varie.Forse l'organismo umano, adattandosi alla alimentazione carnea, assunse le caratteristiche anatomiche e fisiologiche tipiche dei carnivori?
NO, conservò le caratteristiche del fruttariano.
Dopo milioni di anni unnatural about eating meat, our nails have turned into claws, our intestines are not shortened, our canines are not becoming elongated fangs, our gastric juice did not increase his original and weak acidity typical of Fruitarians The liver has enhanced its ability antitoxic, is missing the instinctive human attraction in childhood has disappeared from the fruit and even the equally instinctive repulsion exerted by the meat on a child just weaned.
All signs, such that eating meat is so alien to the nutritional and biological man that they can not adapt, despite suffering the grave consequences di un innaturale carnivorismo per lunghissimo tempo.
Il prof. Alan Walzer è giunto alla conclusione che la frutta non è soltanto il nostro cibo più importante, ma è l'unico al quale la specie umana è biologicamente adatta.Walker ha studiato lungamente le stilature ed i segni lasciati, nei reperti fossili, sui denti, dato che ogni tipo di cibo lascia sui denti segni particolari; scoprì, così, che "ogni dente esaminato, appartenente agli ominidi che vissero nell'arco di tempo che va da 12 milioni di anni fa, sino alla comparsa dell'Homo erectus, presenta le striature tipiche dei mangiatori di frutta, senza eccezione alcuna".
Istintivamente, quindi, i nostri progenitori mangiavano quello che la natura offered them, that is the mature fruit, colorful, fragrant, meaty, sweet. And it is easy to imagine that our ancestors ate fruit carefree, knowing nothing about the quantity and quality of proteins contained in fruits, guided only by instinct.
Eating fruit is the indisputable expression of physiological nutritional needs of our cells, it also manifests itself before the end of lactation, evident in the palatability and also on the avidity with which the child is still suckling take fresh fruit juices, which can in some cases replace breast milk (the juice of grapes, his teeth needed to chew esempio.Per and teeth begin to come to the end of lactation, ie the period in which the growth of the human infant is entrusted to the suction of the milk secretion of the mammary glands of the mother. At the end of lactation instinct directs us decisively towards the fruit. Other than the homogenized pap.
There is, therefore, entered a biological "nutrient continuity between breast milk and fruit", so we can rightly consider these two ancestral human food food prototypes.
The man has a singularly modest requirements of protein, as is easily demonstrated by examining the breast milk. Humans are not suited to high-protein foods, which would be detrimental to his health.
E 'known that by 6 months of extrauterine life the man comes to double and triple their weight by 12 °, fed solely on breast milk. Up to 5 days after the birth of the child, human milk contains 2% protein, and this figure, starting from the 6th day, and slowly begins to decrease gradually until it reaches, after 3-4 weeks, 1'1, 3% and after 7-8 weeks, 1 '1.2%, which will then be maintained more or less constant until the end of breastfeeding. Since the growth rate is highest in the first few days of life and then gradually decreases it is also logical that the percentage of protein contained in milk, and which constitute il necessario materiale di costruzione, debba seguire lo stesso andamento.
L'accrescimento ponderale dell'individuo continua, come si sa, anche dopo la comparsa dei denti, per terminare tra i 21 e 24 anni, ma con una velocità estremamente ridotta rispetto a quella del lattante.
E' pertanto del tutto ovvio che l'alimento che subentrerà al latte materno dovrà avere una percentuale di proteine corrispondente ai reali bisogni di proteine dell'individuo non più lattante, in linea con la decrescenza, prima comprovata, di tali bisogni proteici.
Riassumendo, "il fabbisogno proteico dell'uomo è massimo nel lattante, medio nell'adolescente, minimo nell'adulto":Tanto è vero che non possiamo nutrire a human baby, whose milk contains a '1.2% protein, with milk, for example. cow's milk, which contains 3.5% protein without certain features such as the primary dilution, in an attempt to prevent enteric infections and other illnesses, even serious.
The human body, therefore, observed precisely this rule, known as the "law of minimum, which we believe could be called" law of the optimum "as if the individual ingests foods that contain nutrients in amounts exceeding the its needs, the excess becomes a body for the real toxic waste and the body tries in every way to get rid of it, which happens especially for proteins, as previously has run already said.
The fruit, which has, in fact, on average, a protein suitable for normal nutritional needs of the next stage of weaning, ie, on average less than that found in breast milk during lactation terminal is around all'l , 2%
From the perspective of a pound of potato protein is a relatively much more nutritious food for a pound of meat or cheese because the human body is able to use a variety of proteins from potatoes seven times greater than those that use eating meat or cheese, since the proteins of a pound of meat or cheese are concentrated, while the same amount of protein in potatoes spread into a mass of ten etti.La same is true for apples, which are very nutritious because their relatively low protein (0.35%) are used to 100%.
All plants, even the most neglected and little known, contain proteins, without exception, this is a fixed point, it is necessary to keep presente.Elenchiamo now the most common fleshy fruits with its protein content, in percent: apricot
................................................. 0.8
watermelon ............................................. ....... 0.9
orange ............................................. . 0.9 to 1.3
avocado ......................................... ......... 2.6
banana ............................................. ....... 1,4
cetriolo................................ .................. 0,9
ciliegia ................................................... 1,2
dattero ................................................... 2,2
fico ........................................................ 1,5
fico d'India.............................................. 0,8
kaki ...........................................................1
lampone .................................................1,4
limone .....................................................0,9
mandarino.................................................. 1
mela ..................................................... 0,35
melone ................................................... 1,3
mora......................................................... 1
nespola................................................. 0,45
peperone ................................................1,2
pera ........................................................0,6
pesca ...................................................... 0,7
pomodoro................................................ 1
prugna.................................................... 0,8
uva ..................................................... 1-1,4
zucchina................................................. 1,5
media: 28,75/26 =1,1%
Ed ecco le percentuali of the most common protein in vegetables, limited to those that can be used raw:
asparagus ............................... ................... 1.8
beet ............................................. 1.2
beetroot ..................................... 1.6
artichoke ............................................. ....... 2.4
cauliflower ............................................. .... 2.6
carrot ............................................. ......... 1.2
chicory ............................................. ......... 1.6
onion ............................................. ......... 1.4
cabbage ............................................ . 3.3
red cabbage ............................................ .. 1.9
fennel ............................................. ...... 1.9
lettuce and the like .......................................... 1.3
parsnips ............................................. ..... 1.7
leek ............................................. .............. 2
radish ............................................... ..... 1
celery (leaves / stems )................................. 1.3
celery root ........................................... ... 1.5
spinach ............................................. ....... 2.2
average: 31.9 / 18 = 1.78%
Giving in just measure the prevalence of fruit, the average charge of protein foods that should be used by man stood at 1.3% about. This is well enough, rather than (again, on average, which is what matters) to the needs of man, especially after the completion of development, ie after 24 years of age.
Source: Prof. Armando D'Elia
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