Power Supply The initial human species and its progenitor was, fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, tubers. This is apparent from the prehensile hands but without the claws of predators, the length of the intestine is longer than that of carnivores (where the food bolus, ie food digestion, it must stay low to avoid putrefaction process) and shorter than that of herbivores (Must be long to absorb the nutrients trapped between vegetable fiber), the teeth strape unsuitable for meat or grass.
However, forced to expand and colonize increasingly large share of the planet, humans have adapted to eat anything to survive, including meat, for example. the fish in the colder areas. Cereal and milk came only much later (between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago) with the advent of agriculture and pastoralism, heavy scourge of this planet as Zerzan said. The average man has only partially adapted to their metabolism is not without suffering damage.
La frutta costituisce un alimento naturale, fu chiaramente destinata dalla Natura, simbioticamente, a nutrire in modo ottimale, fra tanti animali, anche l'uomo.I paleoantropologi ci raccontano che la Terra, durante la preistoria dell'uomo, soffrì enormi sconvolgimenti climatici e geologici, i quali trasformarono profondamente gli ecosistemi del pianeta. Glaciazioni, interglaciazioni, periodi di eccessivo inaridimento o di insolita piovosità. L'insieme di tali eventi provocarono notevolissime riduzioni delle foreste che si trasformarono prevalentemente in savane. L'uomo fu così costretto a comportarsi come un animale da savana, per sopravvivere, fu costretto a cibarsi di quello che in tale ambiente trovava.Vi trovò le graminacee, piante that require open spaces, direct sunlight, conditions offered by the savannah and forest shadows whence the man came.
feeding granivorous and carnivorous thus represents a real deviation is not dictated by a choice, but from a state of sheer necessity that did not offer alternatives. In contradiction to the biologically innate instincts food with their own kind, 1'uomo began the degradation and degeneration physio-psychic, whose devastating effects are now more than ever, evidenti.Senza the artistry of cooking (for cereals) milling, the man he could not have become a meat eater, it cerealivoro, since its characteristics natural anatomy (teeth, etc..) alone would not have allowed.
The impact of the deviations unnatural foods (grains and protein bodies of animals, also cooked, that is, dead) was for the man, catastrophic consequences in terms of health and long life: which is understandable, given the "sheer leap" from a live food such as fruits and vitality on the one hand and starchy foods and meat, dead and deadly, high-protein such as meat, devitalized with firing on the other.
"During the period of the Neanderthals survived less than half the population over 20 years and 9 out of 10 of the remaining adults were dying before age 40. "It was above all the advent of meaty food, with its excessive content of protein and the resulting toxaemia to produce such disastrous effects on the body, but also on the minds of men; must not forget that meat creates aggressività.L 'man being helpless, and not by nature carnivorous, being baked anatomically devices designed to chase and kill and chewing raw meat of herbivores acted as a scavenger, feeding on the prey made by other animals truly carnivorous, using stones and sticks. This behavior was also called "looting." He was also forced to drive directly, forcing its natural non-aggression, spintovi by the need to find ways to survive.
Contrary to popular belief, 1'uomo not become "healthier, higher, stronger" since (about 10,000 years ago) began to devote himself to agriculture. Quite the contrary. the skeletons of prehistoric man lived in Greece and Turkey towards the end of the ice age were on average 175 cm tall, and 5,000 years ago (after 1'adozione agriculture), the height was dropped to 160 centimetri.Nella heat of the Regions tropical in which man has adapted over millions of years of evolution, does not feel any need for hot foods, and fruits are ideal for keeping food fresh for life more dynamic and to regulate transpiration.
Of all the foods that humans can eat, is the most delicious fruits to our taste, has a pleasant smell and the most beautiful shape with so many bright colors. The fruit is the only food that can completely satisfy humans ... everything else is incomplete ... Its attractive aroma, its tasty and refreshing juice and its nutritional content (vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fiber, water, proteins, etc.. ) make the best food that a human being can eat. The fruit is a food total, and contains everything you need to nourish yourself in the right proportions. Can be stored at room temperature, requires no refrigerator or stove and long preparation times and almost no dirty dishes .. Fruit is a LIVE food! The fruit has "the power and magic of life" ... The fruit-based nutrition is a very simple concept .., the only fruit, the human body produces all the other substances it needs to live vigorously for more than 100 years ...
From the site: http://www.fruitarian.com/ Translation: cristiano.Fonte: Prof. Armando D'EliaScarica the complete document at the following link: http://www.scribd. com/doc/5035812/Che-cose-il-Fruttarismo
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