Monday, February 28, 2011

Wedding Decoration In Orange

Volete Partecipare A Lavori Di Gruppo?

Dear Friends,
I came back and everything was fine. The good new ALR is now expressed with three or four things that I cared about and, icing on the cake, I was raffled off to fly in business in the return flight at no extra charge ...
I promised that I would have launched a proposal for group work on this blog. I described in the "Pill" Astrology freshly prepared for you:

Disciple Cyrus - Want to Participate in group work? - "Pills" Astrology

On my return I found many letters to answer and I will do in the coming days , a bit 'at a time: be patient. If you forget someone or something, please, please let.

Welcome Alina boat from Romania!

Dear mr. Discepolo,

   I am sure you are a very busy person and therefore I will not take too much of your time by writing a long email. I would like to express my respect and admiration for your work and to thank you for the precious information I got from your astrological research. I am an astrologer myself and I try to keep myself updated with any valuable astrological information available out there.

   The reason I am contacting you is basically a single one: the subject of the Solar's Return Ascendant and its placement in the First House of the natal chart. I am aware that your advise is to avoid SR's Ascendant in natal houses 1, 6 and 12. However I have to say that last year I had my Solar Return's Asc in my natal 1 House and it was one of the best years I had in my life. I changed my location for my birthday quite drastically (I went to Japan especially for my birthday) and I never had any regrets doing so.  

   I trust your experience very much but at the same time I have to admit that a First House placement of the solar Ascendant didn't have any bad effects on me, on the contrary. The only thing that I can relate with this placement would be the fact that indeed my psychical appearance changed quite a lot. The years before I lost a lot of weight, I was looking too skinny but last year I gained a few kilos which had a good effect on my physical appearance. I finally had a feminine shape again and didn't look like a skinny model anymore, which was great. My self trust improved also a lot. On the other hand I had to relate quite a lot with the way I looked as I joined a band and appeared on the stage a few times. I was told that I looked good on the stage and that I fitted great in the band. On the psychological level I also changed some things: I came much closer to my own needs and wishes, I started to have a better relationship with myself and also started to appreciate myself more in a unselfish way (self respect not inflated ego or self indulgence).  

   All these details could be connected with the Solar Ascendant in the 1st House of the natal chart. I could not find any bad things about this placement. My energy level was high, my health excellent, I was going to the gym, eating healthy foods, rollerskating every day for a few months. I had no injuries or any other bad things connected with my body. I am sure you have a tremendous experience with solar returns and that you are perfectly entitled to state that a 1st House placement of the Solar Ascendant should be always avoided, but maybe you could take my experience as well as a proof that good things still happen even in such cases.  

   If you need to see the chart and check it for yourself, here are my birth dates: Alina Barca, 3 January 1978, 3:15 PM (the birth hour is precise), Brasov 23E35 45N38, Romania. I spent my2010  Solar Return in Kyoto, Japan, 135E45 35N09.  

   Thank you again for your great work and for your time to read my email.

   I wish you all the best and strength and inspiration to write more great books!

                                                           Kind regards,
                                                           Alina Barca

Dear Alina ,  
your question is not foolish. Nevertheless I have responded to it a lot of times in mine quasi-seventy books, in hundreds and hundreds of articles and linking me, in 40 years, on thousand of practical examples, above all of famous characters.  
I believe that you have perhaps read an only my book and for this you ask me a question of this kind.  
Here following I transcribe you two answers of mine: one contained in one book of mine and another published on the web.  
I hope that doing so, you will understand better.  
Before greeting you I recommend to you, however, not to go anymore to Kyoto to place an AS of ASR in the I^ House and a stellium in the Sixth House of an ASR.  
Many wishes.

From my book “Aimed Solar And Lunar Returns”, Ricerca ’90 Publisher

A question from the Italian newsgroup of Astrology
The reason of this study comes out from the fact of having found, in the subjects that I have examined, awful Solar Returns (that’s to say, SR’s whose Ascendant, Sun, Mars, or a stellium, were occupying the 12 th , 1 st , or 6 th   House) without having had any serious consequence at the end of the twelve months. In the majority of the cases they simply had a fair-to-middling year, a tolerably good one.
Saying so I don’t claim that Solar Returns don’t work – on the contrary, I’m a supporter of this wonderful means of forecast. I want to say it quite clearly: especially in the cases of the 12 th   House playing a role in the SR, I have registered some health problem in the subject; or the subject dealt with volunteering during the year, or he/she had to visit his/her parents at hospital, or he/she had to undergo therapies.
As far as the 1 st   or the 6 th   House are concerned, some subjects showed concern for their own aspect: for instance they changed hair-dressing; they started wearing glasses or they bought new-styled glasses; some of them became fatter, some other became slimmer (1 st   House); some found a job, other changed their job; some joined a gym; some dealt with their pets etc. (6 th   House).
So how can it be that only to me have happened dozens of cases without any serious consequences? I myself have had years with Mars, the Sun, or the Ascendant of SR occupying the 1 st   House - without registering anything negative. And in his Trattato pratico di Rivoluzioni solari (ed. Ricerca ‘90), Ciro Discepolo himself talks ‘almost well’ of Mars in the 1 st   House of SR, claiming that it is ‘like putting a tiger in the motor’ although you can run the risk of getting hurt – while I didn’t bang up anything, not even a toe! In this newsgroup I’ve read Carmen’s experience on the dangerousness of the a.m. Houses. If it were possible, I would like to get more testimonials on this (only from attentive students of the Solar Returns, please).
Those who would like to testify about particularly negative – or positive – years but they aren’t able to cast their own S.R., if they wish they can send to me their birth data (they may remain anonymous if they wish so) and I’ll cast their chart myself thanks to the wonderful software package called ASTRAL (let me say congratulation to Ciro Discepolo , Luigi Miele and the other developers for the newest 32-bit version for Windows 95) and study their case.
Remember though, give me your data only if you are sure about your exact time of birth, and of course tell me the year to be considered, and where you spent your birthday relevant to that year. Thanks to everybody for your precious collaboration.
Alfio Strano (note: today he is a my good colleague)


Dear Alfio
May I take the opportunity of your request of clarification and clarify something that evidently is not clear – maybe because I haven’t explained it well in my volumes on Solar Returns. I have never claimed that EVERY TIME there are negative values of 1 st , 6 th , and/or 12 th   House you loose your arm or your leg in a collision with a tramway coach.
For if it were so, considering that the above mentioned combinations are quite frequent, we should all die before reaching the age of twenty. I meant it a bit differently, which is that ALL THE TIMES that you suffer from terrible disgraces, you see the occupation of the 1 st , 6 th , and/or 12 th   House in the relevant SR.
You should make the following test. Collect the data of your female and male friends who have suffered, in a given year, from detrimental mourn; clashes with the Law; financial upsets; who have lost their job; who have lost everything; and so on. Then you check out how many times, in those years, for them, the Sun or the Ascendant or a stellium or Mars of the SR occupied the 12 th , the 1 st , or the 6 th   House. Let me know then. At this point you may wonder, If those combinations are not always deadly, why should we be concerned? Well, I believe that since we cannot get to know how many bullets are there in the cylinder of a revolver gun, it is not convenient to play Russian roulette with our own temples. Furthermore you should consider what follows. Many people tend to play down the damages they receive from life.
Do you know that here in Italy about one million people are afflicted with hepatitis C and among them, many don’t even suspect they have got it? From time to time I happen to deal with the SR of a husband and a wife and, for example, I get to know that one betrays the other while the latter knows nothing about that.
And if you ask the latter, What happened to you during the yea r? He or she would answer, Nothing, absolutely nothing . And last but not least, I have explained several times that the serious troubles of health may be troubles of psychological health. If a boy fails at school and gets depressed, it is virtually certain that his SR has an occupation of the 1 st , 6 th , and/or 12 th   House. The same if a young man – with Mars in the 12 th   House of SR – spends two months of anguish fearing from having contracted AIDS in a risky intercourse. And maybe this is also Umberto Bossi’s current situation: I don’t think he has spent positive months knowing that he might be sentenced to life.
I hope I have been clear. Good-bye to everybody
Ciro Discepolo

Another my answer to the same question, on the blog :

I desire to thank you for the today your review to my book that, I think, put in a right light some important points of my will when I decided to write it.
I desire to thank even the other reviewers, women and men that wrote well of my treatise and even men that wrote critically or quasi-critically about it. It is right that everyone can express his judgement.  
I thank you even because you inserted, in your review, the link of a my webpage where everyone, even many times in a day, can calculate, for free, the Index of Risk for the Year that is a good help to follow my school of Astrology.
Then I would add, shortly, to your good review, a single item, to precise something that is difficult to believe for many readers that read this argument for the first time. In my February 16th blog I wrote to an African my reader:

"I realize that many rules contained in my English book `Transits and Solar Returns' are difficult to understand, but it depends by several factors. First you have to consider that my studies and my researches, always accompanied by thousands of practical exercises, are contained in about 60 books, but you English readers can read only three of these books. Moreover, even within the book you mentioned, if not read carefully, you cannot understand the meaning of what I mean to express. Let's take an example and we follow the rule that says `when Mars is in the first, in the sixth or in the twelfth Houses of Solar Return, it brings a very bad year, especially on health'. However, not everyone reads carefully that I have written: health, including both in the physical sense and in psychological terms. Once a friend of mine was arguing that he had Mars in the sixth House, in the last Aimed Solar Return, and nothing was happened with his health. And I asked: "What? You have just said to me that your girlfriend left you and you did not want to see anyone for a month! This, according to you, doesn't mean bad health?".  

Several other people, sometimes, live for months with sadness or anxiety about an university test that did not go very well or because they fight with a parent or a teacher at university: this is not always suffering and ill health?

We are not always aware of the diseases that plague us. Personally I lost two sisters for cancer. The second of the two was hit by a terrible cancer of the bowel which, according to the doctors, she had grown inside her for about ten years. Finally, last but not least, let me remind that for foreigners readers is difficult to recall, in a book of about 600 pages, something that I repeat in any my Italian book: I never said that every time we had Mars of Solar Return in the first, in the sixth or in the twelfth Houses, we will be suffering from an ulcer or we will suffer for an amputating leg. I have said, however, that whenever we are suffering from an ulcer or an amputated leg there are certainly, in our Solar Return, Mars or the Sun or the Ascendant or a stellium in the first or in the sixth or in the Twelfth Houses.

Thank you to All, again, for the good acceptance That you are Reserving to my book.
Cyrus Disciple

For Gabri. For many years that I meditate on your question and I'm still pondering. Potendomi not dwell, for the time being, and limiting it to simple correction to the time of birth, I can tell you that should be considered as an input to Mars on the day the bite-d'ape exactly happens with the lord of Aries on the cusp.

For Francesca Babette who writes: "Ciro Dear, dear bloggers, in my small way I would bring my testimony sull'AA, as the last six months have been so difficult but I brought also great results. And I want to just share with you all friends of the blog ...

At the turn of the RSM in 2009 and that of 2010 I managed to buy a house and get a mutual benefit (and unexpected, because I was not even in the conditions to approach a bank ...) and, unbelievable, I'm the restructuring with the help of my mother-in-law! RSM

Both have worked towards these goals, and maybe not even two RSM great ... but they did what they had to do.

The first RSM, Malaga, with Jupiter glued to the cusp between the 4th and the 5th house of the theme of revolution, I did find a very nice apartment, and relatively accessible for its size, and has improved a lot the relationship with my father (we do not always optimal in the past), to the point that I won him the sum necessary to give the advance for purchase.

The obstacles, however, are not stati pochi (saturno era in 12^ e marte in 10^) e non sono mancati i colpi di scena: esattamente UN GIORNO PRIMA DEL MIO COMPLEANNO, dopo aver già fatto il compromesso, la banca che doveva concedere il mutuo mi ha telefonato dicendomi che c'era un serio problema... Ero disperata, lo ammetto, ma non fino in fondo. Sapevo che il giorno dopo sarebbe scattata la nuova RSM, con ASC in 8^, stellium Giove+urano+nettuno in 2^, sole in 10^ e venere in 9^ zona Gauquelin;
Ho aspettato insonne ma con un filo di speranza: per me che venivo da un lungo periodo di difficoltà economiche, la RSM entrante non poteva non parlare di soldi, e così è stato. Dopo 15 giorni di incertezza il mutuo è arrivato e io ho acquistato la casa, di cui sono unica intestataria.
Due mesi dopo, i miei suoceri hanno ricevuto un cospicuo rimborso assicurativo e lo hanno donato a mio marito, che lo ha voluto investire nella ristrutturazione della casa.

Le RL, poi, sono state di una precisione incredibile nel datare gli avvenimenti, sia nella RSM del 2009 che in quella del 2010, che è ancora in corso.

I lavori di ristrutturazione stanno per terminare, e mi sono molto pentita di non averli inaugurati con la scelta di una data elettiva: infatti sono in ritardo di un mese... Ma nel complesso, se penso a tutto il percorso fatto fino ad ora con queste due RSM, non posso che essere enormemente felice e soddisfatta: Ciro, credimi, per me è stato un grande passo, venivo da una situazione difficile!! Grazie, grazie mille volte per averci dato questo strumento meraviglioso che è l'AA!

un caro saluto

Cara Francesca ,
molto bene, la tua testimonianza si aggiunge a quella di migliaia di persone che da decenni sperimentano in pratica le ASR (RSM).
Continua ad approfittare di questa meravigliosa realtà.
Con i migliori auguri.

Dear Mordecai ,
beeing the next ASR of your female friend, in Tel Aviv, indeed very bad, with a heavy stellium in 12^ House, obviously every city in the world is better. However my question is the following: if you get 100 points in Esperance or near Esperance, why she does want to go in Katmandu where paying the (quasi) same money she will obtain 50 points?
The Dallas solution is not possible because the Ascendant of the ASR will fall in the 12^ natal House. The chart of Katmandu
Could Be Dangerous for husband and for sons.
Best regards.

For Marcello Phoenix. You can take as a reference RSM Esperance suggested to our colleague Mordecai.

Good Day to All .
Cyrus Disciple

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brunton Echo 440 Rangefinder Manual


- Frequencies Cult Movies -

SCORPIO RISING (1964) Color, 16mm / Director: Kenneth Anger / Screenplay: Ernest DeGlucksman / Cast: Bruce Bryon , Johnny Wisdom, Frank Carifi, John Palone, Ernie Allo, Barry Rubin, Steve Crandall, Bill Dorfman , Johnny Dodds / Length: 29 min . / Country: U.S. / Genre: mediometraggio / Music: Little Peggy March, The Angels, Bobby Vinton, Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, The Crystals, The Ron-dells, Kris Jensen, Claudine Clark, Gene McDaniels, and The Surfaris

The daily rituals of a group of motorcyclists: Scorpio (Bruce Byron) is developing its own motion, idles reading comics snorts, and on television flowing sequences of the wild then leads his gang in raids vandalistiche and homosexual orgies where sex becomes most purely sexual act. Accused of obscenity exit, the most famous work Anger, no dialogue, is a journey into the subculture and the iconography of the rider, whose customs are today seen as the remuneration of ancient pagan rituals. Scorpio is progressively compared to Jesus, Hitler and the Devil, often with striking visual juxtapositions: the icons and Hollywood, from Brando to Dean, is mentioned along with fascinated eyes and cynical. Smart assembly and use of pop songs to serve as ironic counterpoint to the images (the habit of Scorpio, with studded leather jacket and blue jeans to the twinkling of Blue Velvet ). The color is black, the material leather, the seduction is beauty, the justification honesty, the aim is ecstasy, the fantasy death.

"Manifesto" queer cinema "from one of the most caustic and careful observers of the new Hollywood. Scorpio Rising is a dizzying journey in the obsession. Fetish homosexual, religious symbols Pagans and bound by the iconoclastic spirit of Anger, which, with irony and irreverence, never falls into triviality but becomes, instead, the new assay sensitivity released. indispensable stage of the creation of contemporary cinematic language. " (

Fix Electronic Yahtzee

Pio Albergo Trivulzio again!

the Pio Albergo thieves.

's been 19 years since the Pio Albergo Trivulzio , then headed by the socialist Mario Chiesa, was the starting point for the mother of all investigations on corruption, Tangentopoli .
In all these years, and water policy has passed under the bridge and far too much quality exponentially worse than before.
E ', however, remained unchanged, the authenticity of Milan to drink, created by rampantism craxi who began to reign in the 80s and still keeps us company, as evidenced by the Pio Albergo, again at the center of the scandal made to fit canon of characters with sit-lined money. Easy
the explanatory video

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How will it end?

The worst feature that distinguishes the mainstream media, it is the prerogative to build (and in rare cases also to document) a fact, and then delete it from the collective imagination as if it had just ever so fears the possibility of replacing it with an event of major commercial resonance because the scope of a fact, a story is always linked to "capacity" that has to push up the prices of advertising space around it, on TV, radio and newspapers. Yes
then verifies the paradox that epochal events occur and dissolve in the common thought of as a hemisphere had snow in the sun, giving the common man to believe I hold that the case is settled last month, or worse still have gone in prescription (such as the Mafia of Andreotti) creeping into the consciousness of the lack of interest in every single issue that is not directly related to the advantage of their backyard, only to break down all forms of cohesion and solidarity sociale che guarda caso è alla base del potere che la "massa" potrebbe esercitare su ogni ambito della vita pubblica.
Tutto questo preambolo per dire e ribadire ( soprattutto a quelli che leggono e non capiscono mai un cazzo di quello che scrivo! ) che la rapida evoluzione degli eventi in Nord Africa (nello specifico la Libia) non deve distrarre l'attenzione dai fronti che fino a una settimana fa occupavano le cronache delle agenzie informative di mezzo mondo.
Onde evitare di rivivere nuovamente le distorsioni avvenute tra l'89 e il '91, anni in cui tutti sì rallegrarono per la caduta del Muro di Berlino prima e dell'URSS poi, senza interrogarsi minimamente sulle reali implicazioni future (alla prova dei fatti tutte negative) che quei collassi produssero nei 15 anni successivi, è quindi bene mantenere alto il livello d'allarme su quanto sta avvenendo nello scacchiere che in bene o male, cambierà gli assetti mondiale e la vita di ogni singolo nei prossimi decenni.
Come di consueto basta veramente poco per farlo, è sufficiente informasi e capire ciò che sì legge ( ti senti chiamato in causa caro lettore? fai bene, perché sto parlando proprio di te, caprone che te la tiri da filosofo! ).
Il sottoscritto vi aiuta ed esorta a intraprendere tale percorso giusto proponendovi qualche spunto di approfondimento e riflessione:

Tunisi, un mese dopo

Egitto, viaggio tra i lavoratori del delta industriale

Già che ci sono butto anche un buon accompagnamento musicale che fa sempre piacere.
Signore e signori, Coroner !

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anyone Know A Good Chan For 3d Shota

"Pillole" di Astrologia: Two More on "The Journey"


Ciro Discepolo - Il Viaggio - Parte XXXXIV - "Pillole" di Astrologia

Ciro Discepolo - Il Viaggio - Parte XXXXV - "Pillole" di Astrologia

Per Uranio15 . Sono d'accordo con la tua proposta. Mi piace anche la tua effervescenza mentale. Il "significato" delle foto che chiudono ogni blog, è uno soltanto: smile , al maschile e al femminile, per i bianchi e per le persone di colore, per i giovani e per i vecchi, per i belli e per i meno belli...
Ti è scappato un lapsus e avresti dovuto scrivere: Toglietemi tutto, ma non il mio brain... I Breil li puoi comprare ai grandi magazzini.

Cara Emy , a gennaio scorso sono tornato a New York e ho pensato di andare a trovare i colleghi della Grande Mela. Ho fatto delle ricerche su Internet e ne ho trovati quattro più due associazioni. Ho scritto loro senza ottenere alcuna risposta. Allora mi sono recato fisicamente ai due indirizzi delle due associazioni e i portieri dei due stabili mi hanno detto, pressappoco: "Sì, 4-5 anni fa vi erano degli astrologi, ma poi hanno chiuso e non hanno lasciato alcun recapito". Se tu riuscirai a "scovarli", ti autorizzo a prendere contatti da parte mia, eventualmente anche per un seminario perché ogni tanto ci passo per recarmi in altre città degli USA. 

Buona Giornata a Tutti .
Ciro Discepolo

Statistics Of Bmi In Different Countries

The maximum of the day.

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Ninas Gueras Cogiendo

FIAT, the third act

Vi ricordate quando Marchionne rassicurava l'Italia intera affermando che Pomigliano sarebbe rimasta un'eccezione isolata all'interno del panorama produttivo corporate, and justified the massacre contract stating that the plant needed a Neapolitan crackdown back in line for the usual southern lazy?
Many, including the release of Confindustria and economists from the exertion Porro, skin hands welcoming the Italian-Canadian firm's highest-paid in the world. Since ours is a country with historical memory zero, Marchionne was easy game also in broadening the infamous massacre at the Mirafiori plant gathering on this occasion, even the pragmatic assent of those ex-communists with patched ass hours ambush in the PD, which responds to the name of Chiamparino (The pearl of the local administrator who has made most indebted municipality of Turin Italy), D'Alema and Fassino (the couple that if workers would vote "Yes", then pity that the vast majority of real workers voted "No "...) already accustomed to the defeat of the class for veterans and PCI sound baccata that unions brought home 80, when the 40 000 white-collar workers of FIAT Romiti delivered into the hands of the destruction of the future of the Italian working class.
Well, coming back to our days, in tam tam Job Ruby first and revolution in North Africa then is filtered a few articles that drew the likely port of the new Fiat model Bertone also to , historical name of the Italian automobile mechanics, finite horizon of the Fiat group after years of mismanagement that led to the plant family to the police and government to be subsequently sold at the Lingotto in November 2009.
After 6 years of layoffs, it seems that the leadership has finally decided that FIAT fate of the Bertone workshop, which would be expected to produce a new model Maserati (which nobody has seen yet, then go back to the slowness of the industrial project Italy Factory ") in this case, conditioned on acceptance of the model contract imposed coercively Pomigliano first and then at Mirafiori.
La faccia da culo della dirigenza FIAT (è sempre bene ricordare che Marchionne è la prima linea dietro cui si nasconde la holding familiare Agnelli-Elkann) si manifesta dunque in tutto il proprio splendore, dal momento che i presupposti che avrebbero reso il contratto vergogna "necessario" per Pomigliano, prima con Mirafiori e ora con Bertone manifestano tutta la propria faziosità, perché le officine meccaniche Bertone, oltre ad essere un'eccellenza nel settore automobilistico (che a me sta sui coglioni, ma davanti ad opere come la Stratos c'è solo da stare in silenzio) lo sono anche nella serietà dei propri dipendenti che vantano una media d'assenteismo dimezzata rispetto a quella dell'intera regione Piemonte.
analyzing the valuable article Telese Fact newspaper published on the issue, unfortunately you can not find a key to be sufficiently reliable in the case of Fiat. The mark (look at this term is not used improperly ...) in Turin seems, in fact, more interested in creating confusion and hide their cards, rather than giving a comprehensive business plan advertised for months but at the moment still lacking of any real substance, Is he that Torino is in the province of Detroit said as long ago Travaglio Santoro at home?

How Does Dragon's Blood Help Edema

Two More "pills" of Astrology on "The Journey"

Here they are:

Ciro Disciple - The Journey - Part XXXXII - "Pills" Astrology
Cyrus Disciple - The Journey - Part XXXXIII - "Pills" Astrology
http://www. / watch? v =- eLqBVUPaNQ

For Deva . I think your strategy right, especially if it risks being excluded from final exams. The ASR for Saint John's was much better, ma non sempre si può ottenere il massimo. Se puoi fare una o due ALR ciò non può che migliorarti le cose.
Molti cari auguri.

Per Franco . Quando capirai la prima regola dell'AA, attraverso centinaia e centinaia di esempi pubblicati nei miei libri, soprattutto di personaggi famosi, e anche attraverso i tuoi esempi personali, constatando che nell'economia dei fatti di un anno i transiti influiscono - mettiamo - al 10% e gli astri nelle Case di RSM al 90%, allora avrai da solo la risposta alla tua domanda.

Thanks Pino . Very few know that the preparation of the foreword of this book was longer and more challenging throughout the remainder of the book itself. However, I believe that it is also a short essay on epistemology, the only one in Astrology. The practice of astrology lovers will understand that, among other things, the Sun and the Moon have nothing to do with problems in his right eye and the left.

Dear Emy (and Luigi Galli, Katia Danila ...) , thanks to you for the compliments. In the area of \u200b\u200bNew York are not in contact with U.S. colleagues. My most talented / my most talented pupils / students are concentrated (it feels strange?) In the Midwest (Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, Carolina, etc.). Where is my Jupiter relocated to MC, but also in Texas and California will are good colleagues / coworkers.

I am pleased reaction to the photo published the other day: who has seen horror, those who saw the blood, those who have seen the ugliness of the girl, who her which occurred just smile for motherhood ...

For Uranio15 : waiting for the authoritative opinion of Paola Calvetti.

For Mordecai . Thank you for your deep review on Amazon. I think, like you, That this book will like to practice the astrologers That love and no words. (To Daniel: the foreign editions of my books are never the simple translations of the Italian versions. They usually contain useful tweaks and additions).

Good Day to All .
Cyrus Disciple

Friday, February 25, 2011

Placing Wall Concrete Sequence


- Frequenze Curiosity -

TOUR CD 2010
not on label

trace output in April 20, 2010, to coincide official album, this is a self-released Appendix sold only at banquets of the American tour. There are 6 songs rescued from the recording sessions Swimme completed in a long opening DJ sets (47 minutes) of Dan Snaith. Accatatevillo!

Pitchers Of Baby Born Horse

This is the rhythm of the night ...

Probably with the following article I will lose the sympathy of the few metallari rimasti: pazienza, non per questo passerò nottate in bianco. Piuttosto, il vero "dilemma" che assilla la mente di noi morbosi è questo: che fine ha fatto la disco dance? Quelle canzoni, magari stupidelle, ma che ti facevano scorrere il ritmo e la voglia di ballare? Quelle che canticchiavi tutto il santo giorno e magari danzavi in ascensore? Partendo dagli Spargo , Indeep , Imagination (band queste, in cui il basso la faceva da padrone), passando per l'intamontabile Falco , Black Box , Via Verdi (i rockettari!!!), per arrivare ai più recenti ma altrettanto validi 2 Unlimited , Ti.Pi.Cal (i picciotti !!!), Robert Miles and Gala ? And we want to talk about the spirit of those times, that shit happened to it?
For many people, now, to go dancing means being systematically screwed by prices preposterous disco "famous" stand there and make up the numbers on the track, boasting that the mere fact of being there, and then invariably get drunk or descend a paste to defeat the boredom that assails them. I think instead of those who really loves dance music knows that there is no need of bullshit to have fun: just getting carried away by the melodies and maybe go back to the busty blonde view the piano bar, and you're done! I will be perhaps too nostalgic, but the youth of today make me sick: a generation born old who does not know why grown more fun in what was once the revolution . Who now lives these phenomena has grown accustomed to everything, and gives everything for granted. The music is like Playstation, mobile phones or the hoes they admire on TV while I, their age, I looked at Holly & Benji rather than all in the field with lots .
Hardcore (not the punk, unfortunately), minimal, techno , Cock and decks ... but cos' is this shit?
dog God: Give us back Dr. Alban!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tech Deck Walmart Canada


- Frequencies Curiosity -

my name is thom. i like to dance. watch me dance

Oxygenating Tooth Paste


- Frequenze Song -


"We don't have a great war in our generation, or a great depression, but we do, we have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. 
The great depression is our lives. We have a spiritual depression. "

Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club  
(Chapter 19)

Single Frequency of the month.
Album "Outside" - self - highly recommended.


interesting to note that almost everywhere "Outside" is defined as "an album all in all mature" but of "a band in search of its own sound ". It is soundly rejected by major magazines and webzines (with very few exceptions).
If you think about "mature" and "seeking their own sound" are not exactly agree.

Invito chi legge queste righe ad ascoltare con le proprie orecchie e non farsi mai trarre in inganno.

In generale più della metà delle recensioni in giro sono scopiazzate a destra e a manca dalle principali fonti giornalistiche.
E' bene sapere quanto anche le principali fonti giornalistiche siano influenzate da un sacco di cose, non ultime le pressioni delle case discografiche, agenzie di distribuzione, etc.
In poche parole (non sempre, ma spesso) anche nella musica come in tantissimi altri campi, il "do ut des" viene usato per reciproci interessi.
In questo specifico caso c'è poi una cosa molto importante da aggiungere and on which it is absolutely necessary to dwell: the self.

Why a band on the third album they self, giving up the sponsorship of its label (the XL Recordings - one of the largest independent labels in circulation, a quasi-major)?

Why do not you want to stay under the dictates of anyone.

Why has clear ideas about what he wants to do.

Why want to express themselves as they see fit.

would be good from this, I suppose, before drawing its conclusions. Yet not a
review that I read about "Outside" (all very similar in truth, I wonder why ...) addresses this issue, but arrived at diametrically opposite conclusions with respect to the obvious intent of the choices of self-production of the group.
I regret to think badly. But I've seen so many good records do not sell because of a poor reputation in the media.
And I broke the balls.


Tapes' n Tapes