Friday, February 11, 2011

Sit On Top Kayak Blueprints

the Rabbis of the year - Reprise!

Some time ago, when I spoke to reunion, I was rather benign in the evaluation of the movement. Now, however, the light which it is subjected daily exasperation my opinion this current begins to inexorably radicalization, especially on the Italian scene.
As is well known, or so it should be, for their anthropological features Italy has never had a rock scene, and therefore worthy of the title metal, jumping in fact at least fifty years of artistic development in music. If this factor can be regarded as a partial justification for the repetition of groups from little impact within certain currents, non ritengo accettabile che venga assunto come pretesto per piazzare sul piedistallo formazioni che alla prova dei fatti, soprattutto uscendo dai confini nazionali, assumono connotati decisamente più modesti.
Personalmente, ho piene le scatole di sentir esaltare gente come:
  •  la Strana Officina che viene annichilita da qualsiasi artista hard & heavy di second'ordine che si poteva trovare nei medesimi anni nell'ex Germania Ovest o in Inghilterra
  • i Sadist, unicamente meritevoli d'aver proposto nel nostro sterile mercato, correnti già ampiamente sviscerate anni prima all'estero (vedasi Coroner, Voivod, Nocturnus e Atheist tanto per fare qualche nome)
  • la coppia Necrodeath / reconstructed Ghostrider, every day more and more grotesque and exaggerated statements of intent for love for the Old School (in weight lost memory in the 90s, when the play was modern imperative not to lose the train of trend then in vogue)
Obviously, the most outrageous are the Ghostrider, who conscious of nothing at all to say, yes, dedicated to the review of its history to find a shred of legitimacy that justifies that the exhumations were fielded. Do not believe us? Take a peek at this interview , one of many which have undergone name to run again.

Pure music has run at a rate berlusconizzata Moneytalks of .
What a pity!


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