- Frequenze Song -
FREAK OUT "We don't have a great war in our generation, or a great depression, but we do, we have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture.
The great depression is our lives. We have a spiritual depression. "
The great depression is our lives. We have a spiritual depression. "
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
(Chapter 19)
Single Frequency of the month.
Album "Outside" - self - highly recommended.
Album "Outside" - self - highly recommended.
interesting to note that almost everywhere "Outside" is defined as "an album all in all mature" but of "a band in search of its own sound ". It is soundly rejected by major magazines and webzines (with very few exceptions).
If you think about "mature" and "seeking their own sound" are not exactly agree.
Invito chi legge queste righe ad ascoltare con le proprie orecchie e non farsi mai trarre in inganno.
In generale più della metà delle recensioni in giro sono scopiazzate a destra e a manca dalle principali fonti giornalistiche.
E' bene sapere quanto anche le principali fonti giornalistiche siano influenzate da un sacco di cose, non ultime le pressioni delle case discografiche, agenzie di distribuzione, etc.
In poche parole (non sempre, ma spesso) anche nella musica come in tantissimi altri campi, il "do ut des" viene usato per reciproci interessi.
In questo specifico caso c'è poi una cosa molto importante da aggiungere and on which it is absolutely necessary to dwell: the self.
Why a band on the third album they self, giving up the sponsorship of its label (the XL Recordings - one of the largest independent labels in circulation, a quasi-major)?
Why do not you want to stay under the dictates of anyone.
Why has clear ideas about what he wants to do.
Why want to express themselves as they see fit.
would be good from this, I suppose, before drawing its conclusions. Yet not a
review that I read about "Outside" (all very similar in truth, I wonder why ...) addresses this issue, but arrived at diametrically opposite conclusions with respect to the obvious intent of the choices of self-production of the group.
I regret to think badly. But I've seen so many good records do not sell because of a poor reputation in the media.
And I broke the balls.
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