Shame, understood as a mentality, way of thinking and acting, is the real glue that gives form to our country. Metalhead by the Registrar to the city, the President of the Republic Truzzi, the common denominator that is an innate tendency to associate all the gypsy of the worst kind, one that is no longer a joke in bad taste even collegiate ( Monicelli docet ) but action worthy of the worst disgrace.
References to the world of politics and economics of course abound, but they prefer to let the satire Grillo , Crozza , Ascanio Celestini or Vauro , not because I saw fuck but because these professionals are much more talented of the undersigned to rubbish the country in which we live.
Today, I will then do the fleas to the beloved tricolor metal scene, that both enhances our national public as soon as rumors of yet another pointless reunion or vinyl reissue of some albums that no one was missing (collectors wankers, of course, not been provided as conclusive statistical sample-ed).
Before the sausage is necessary to premise that, with some new, the Italian metal maintained a quite respectable fino al termine degli anni '80 grazie a Necrodeath, Schizo e Bulldozer, che in quel periodo poteva essere tranquillamente considerati tra i migliori avanguardisti estremi presenti in Europa. Poi vennero gli anni '90 e la fine dell'appeal commerciale del metal classicamente inteso, spazzato via da Cowboys From Hell , Black Album e Nevermind .
Molte formazioni uscirono devastate da questa improvvisa deriva del mercato, per fortuna loro (e nostra -ndr) diverse chiusero i battenti, tante, invece, intrapresero la via dello sputtanamento per rimanere a galla e magari fare il botto che i tre nomi precedentemente citati fecero in quegli anni.
Gran parte della scena italiana piuttosto che re-inventarsi (senza too difficult considering the starting points-ed) into the new extreme that take root at that time (death and black metal) is devoted to awkward balances to tag along to the trend of the U.S. market. The results were obviously pitiful.
Let's start with the longed-infamous column!
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Extrema |
Lombard born under the star of the American thrash the good times (86 forms), close to the debut album yes involution of the kind sanctioned by the league cited Pantera and the path continues to this day, essentially mimicking the creativity of Machine Head (the prostitute from Oakland).
The result is a career spent in the pursuit of market success, the proof of facts that never came except for the battery from the Pilgrim, who in 2005 gave up the band to join the Negro, showing an attachment to the cause worthy of best political transformation (especially considering the past of the current group of Arezzo, who has softened a lot since the start).
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Schizo |
a partial excuse for the prostitute digression, basted it happens when the standard bearers of the scene were the extreme USA Fear Factory, I put the lack of Reder the reins of the training. The fact remains that even the Sicilians gave evidence of a consistent relativized by the winds, with old school attitude that we salute rediscovered in the second half of the 2000s.
The arrival at the worst of all, brings us geographically in the north of the peninsula, more precisely on the axis Genoa - Biella, which are intertwined destinies of Opera IX and Necrodeath.
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Necrodeath |
a result of changed market interest in the early '90s, the Necrodeath , instead of continuing la propria carriera contribuendo a plasmare il nascente black anche in Italia, chiusero baracca e burattini sciogliendosi.
Da quella fine videro inizialmente luce i Mondocane (interessantissimo progetto parallelo imbastito con gli Schizo -ndr) e successivamente la collaborazione di Peso coi Sadist e una serie di gruppi cover locali, dediti alla riproposizione delle sonorità alternative che andavano di moda ai tempi (vedi Rage Against The Machine).
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Opera IX |
E ', however, only in 2001 that the joint venture between the components of two formations takes true thickness following output Flegias and by Opera IX Cadaveria and their entry into permanent orbit of the reconstituted family Necrodeath.
from this partnership will come into a progeny that will spend their energies probing the land sound more diverse. In this regard, many claim that this is the natural outlet for artists truly in the round, but the undersigned is convinced that polygamy is sound driven by purely economic reasons. In support of my thesis there is the chronology of events, which usually arise at certain market trends.
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Cadaveria |
The total lack of intellectual honesty of this group it is clear from the photographs in question (which seem to be the Lacuna Coil ), but for the most guaranteed suggest listening to two songs, and The dream Anagram . Tell me if you do not hear them inside all the trash that passes for music has been hard over the last decade, topped with the most vulgar iconography alternative on the market! Faced with such grace
Art, the pair Cadaveria / John is convinced to have the credentials to further expand its creative sculpting Dynabyte . On this occasion the two stop playing more or less the vampire (which let's face it, we tear the Maronites since the novels of Ann Rice ended the movies ...) worn in Cadaveria clubbers to take refuge in the style of emo, the result is the stuff you can see and hear below, that a draft of what the Germans did in those years Rammstein
The combination audio / video is the most embarrassing I've seen the hands of would-be professionals. I regret, without irony, spare Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys , at least that is what people were not pretentious.
If you do not have enough yet, enjoy the Raza De Odio where Necrodeath family tries to mimic i Brujeria. La prima volta che li ascoltai mi chiesi "ma che cazzo è sta roba?" Non ho ancora trovato una risposta, in compenso però sono convinto che Zanna abbia più futuro pescando branzini al largo di Camogli, piuttosto che prestandosi a queste partecipazioni artistiche di dubbia qualità.
Sarà che la mia digestione è ancora in atto, ma lo schifo generatomi da questi personaggi inizia a stomacarmi, taglierò dunque corto sull'inutilità di formazioni ( Alkoholizer , Elvenking , Macbeth , Stormlord , Theatres des Vampires , Mastercastle , Vision Divine , Labyrinth ecc. ecc. ecc.) colpevoli soltanto di fare musica di merda e/o derivativa, per soffermarmi ancora su un paio di nomi.
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Detestor |
La chiusura, invece, spetta a un'autentica bandiera nazionale, Pino Scotto .
Anche conosciuto come Vasco Rossi dei poveri , the national Pino began his militancy in Vanadium but will become an icon of Italian theater only when it began to move on their own, collecting a series of quintessential gypsy of all in the name of contradiction. Pino is in fact famous for issuing statements completely fucking bell, in this sense seems to be the twin failure of Berlusconi. Despite this, if he pulls anti-establishment artist, who always goes against the character of a born conformist, it's really just a poor man who survives by exploiting the stupidity that dwells in the hearts of the public good Italian hard rock, used to enhance the village idiot who screams louder than the others.
In una società civile sana, un personaggio del genere non meriterebbe nemmeno un impiego come lavacessi a Brignole, e non verrebbe applaudito dal pubblico mentre spala merda sulle Vibrazioni con cui poi va a suonare in apertura agli AC/DC (che infama dall'alto della sua grandissima carriera).
Non potevo trovare macchietta migliore con cui chiudere questo messaggio.
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