few days ago I wrote that the firing ( tramutatesi Then in bombardments ) bestowed heavily from their own people were asking Qaddafi to guarantee not only of his dictatorship, but also of 'Italian interest.
On that occasion I was referring mainly to the interest in ENI, the reality, however, goes far beyond self-interest of the six-legged dog.
Read more concisely, as usual, relying on comedic touches, information architects for years, that might be more decent trovare nel Bel Paese:
"La meraviglia è una dote degli italiani. La sorpresa di fronte all'impensabile, ma solo perché nessuno ci aveva voluto pensare, è una caratteristica nazionale. Abbasso Gheddafi , il sanguinario dittatore beduino, il genocida del suo stesso popolo, lo stragista di migliaia di libici innocenti. Sì, d'accordo, ma nessuno ha mai detto nulla all'Eni di Scaroni, alla Juventus degli Agnelli, all'Impregilo di Romiti, alla Finmeccanica o all'Unicredit di nonsipapiùchi? La mamma non li ha informati prima che si sposassero con Gheddafi? Aziende italiane con enormi interessi nella Libia e partecipazioni azionarie dirette da parte the country responsible for the attack Lockerbie . The Scottish town where 259 people died in the Pan Am flight with 11 inhabitants. The bloodiest terrorist attack before the Twin Towers? Someone lifted a finger against those who in forty years has stripped of all goods and expelled from day to day like dogs Italians who lived in Libya for decades? In fact, the opposite has occurred. Gaddafi has been protected, respected, accepted as the guarantor of the legendary Fourth Tail Italy. It is no secret that its air force has been trained in Italy or that our intelligence agencies have repeatedly warned the of threats and attacks. It is said that escaped death during the bombing ordered by Reagan thanks to Italian media. Gaddafi is one of us, whether we like it or not, whether we agree or not. The kiss Berlusconi is just the latest episode, the most blatant and unseemly for the Italians, a decades long relationship. Gaddafi escaped the Fiat in the late '70 with its capital, no one was angry. We bartered oil with weapons and military assistance, energy with the loss of decency in our democracy. And now, rightly, outraged us. The wonder of children and is hypocritical. Italy is the Wonderland and hypocrisy. Gaddafi said that it will remain until his death. Italy is losing his loyal ally that has already denied. Gaddafi? But who knows? "
original Link.
What's more 40 years of ambiguous and covert support to the regime of Colonel nice, the complete lack of political foresight led Italy to collect the last few days , a series of thin international anthology.
We started with the "I do not want to disturb Berlusconi, we continued with Frattini that" Europe should not export democracy " (if Bush does, Instead, we go behind the race and thanked Scaroni) and we came to fear that the end of the Libyan colonel discovers the Pandora's box African immigration (which the bulk of illegal immigrants arrive in Italy by land from the Libyan coast and nobody cares). The same figures by beggars, who this time could have more serious implications than those which he has accustomed our Republic.
degeneration of political systems in the southern Mediterranean, in fact, calls into question decades of regional foreign policy of our country that, even with questionable strategies, and in many cases uprooted by direct return to the national interest, he led Italy to weave a web of interests rather dense with those nations over the last month are chapters one after the other.
The Libyan crisis in particular has put us in the midst of a triangulation of fire that hardly come out unscathed. Around Italy, in fact, we have: the battered
- Gaddafi who has publicly accused of arming insurgents and will be less accommodating (it was on a little) to us if he can stay in your seat camel;
- Libyan rioters, that if they managed to overthrow Gaddafi not willing to forgive our support to Colonel ;
- Europe seems determined to take this opportunity to introduce the bill in a decade (but more than that) policy far from the line outside the Community.
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