Monday, February 21, 2011

Ragnarok Armor Upgrade

Twinning - How do you see Peter Gomez

As the situation deteriorates even more in Libya and the EU can not do better than shocked by the violence of the regime , I came across the interesting point of view expressed by Peter Gomez ( The director of Made Daily ) richiamante il gemellaggio che abbozzai tempo fa riferendomi alla coppia Mubarak - Berlusconi.
Trovandolo piuttosto interessante (anche alla luce delle riflessioni che può suscitare -ndr) ho pensato di riciclarlo per il messaggio odierno.
Buona lettura, dunque, sempre ammesso che abbiate voglia di leggere.

"Berlusconi e il vento del Maghreb

Lui mostra i muscoli, promette sfracelli sulla giustizia, assicura che adesso con una mezza dozzina di parlamentare in più al proprio fianco chiuderà per sempre i conti con la magistratura. Eppure il futuro del Cavaliere resta tutt’altro che in discesa.
All’improvviso Silvio Berlusconi deve fare i conti anche con the hot wind of the Maghreb. At the Ruby case, plus the revolts of the inhabitants of the countries of North Africa and the threats of his dictator Gaddafi who, after murdering the crowd with grenades, RPG, says that we are thinking of opening the borders if the EU does not will cease to support the (correct) demands of demonstrators.
immediate prospect is that hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving on Italian shores. In the medium term but the danger (Berlusconi) is that the fire from spreading in the Mediterranean here.
No joke. And any specific concerns that more than one of the lords of the palace. The rating of the prime minister is now in caduta libera. Solo il 28 per cento degli italiani, spiega su Il Corriere della Sera Renato Mannheimer, lo vuole ancora seduto sulla poltrona di Presidente del Consiglio. La base dell’alleato leghista è talmente in subbuglio da aver suggerito domenica ai vertici del Carroccio di annullare all’ultimo momento il collegamento tra Radio Padania (i cui ascoltatori sono imbufaliti) e la trasmissione Rai di Lucia Annunziata. Poi ci sono le donne. C’è la chiesa. Gli americani, i paesi dell’Unione europea, e addirittura la massoneria. Persino Licio Gelli lo ha mollato. E con un’intervista a Il Tempo(leggi) ha tenuto a farlo sapere in giro.
Il cocktail insomma è esplosivo. Basta pochissimo per farlo (politicamente) deflagrare. So
Knight fears the robes and even more afraid of the square. What will happen when all photos are stored in the mobile phones of girls in charge of his party guests? And above all what will happen on April 6, the day of the beginning of the trial for extortion and child prostitution?
Obviously, the Prime Minister will do everything to pull the job for long. In fact do not even start. The campaign for local elections is coming and it will be pretty easy for him and for his honorable lawyers find a series of events which can not miss. The first day of the hearing then the anniversary of the earthquake Aquila. Want that the prime minister should not attend any ceremony?
The question, however, is that the ceremony then you should have to go. The ruling on the cause for such failure of the Constitutional Court made it clear that the Court must determine whether the commitments given by the powerful cards are charged to mark real or not. So if Berlusconi will scheduled a memorial for the victims of the earthquake, then will participate. And here the problem starts. The prime minister, for well known reasons of the failure to rebuild the city, the capital of Abruzzo can no longer be seen. The risk boos and protests (especially now) is too high. How high are the risks associated with every public appearance his and his many lawyers.
parties and Parliament are set out in the last two places in the charts on trust in institutions by citizens. And the choice of the PDL to propose the reintroduction of agreement for parliamentarians involved in legal investigations can only bring it down again, both among leftists than among those on the right. In fact, one thing the Italians are really united: the intolerance (low) to the Caste.
why even the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy on March 17 at Palazzo Chigi of concern. In times like these remind the Risorgimento and the redemption of the nation becomes a revolutionary act. Waving the tricolor flag and not a party, an almost subversive. Also because, after all, also in Cairo and Tunis, the protesters took up only the flags of their countries.
But they did it for days. And then we all saw how it ended. "

original Link.


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