While pursuing the charred metal bands of the speech that he considered fundamental, I do the same with the genre that, lately, I is more: the punk / hardcore (though label the band in question in one genre is a bit 'limited). The Black Flag
were launched his fist in the face to California in the first half of the seventies: what jolly ride on the waves, that winked from the crowded beaches of blondes on the cover and began to dream, right-thinking and optimistic , the future of Silicon Valley.
Hermosa Beach is buffeted by

Ginn is the creative musical Dukowski the organizational practice, and their combination are born early recordings and the first concert, despite a succession of vocalists who take turns on when Morris left the band in 1979, to creative differences with Ginn, and up to 'arrival of Henry Rollins (born Henry Lawrence Garfield , coming from the dissolved SOA) in 1981: first Chavo pederast aka Ron Reyes , a fan board for a short time, then Dez Cadena (most recently in Misfits, ed), another fan with no musical training who leaves after the stress of the first vowel tour. Even Henry Rollins is another fan, knows that when faced with a Black Flag tour on the east coast from parts of Washington DC, where the muscular singer lived at the time, Henry finished that tour as a roadie and learns the lyrics and The band impresses with its musical culture before it became the emblem of the group occupying the public imagination with his show shirtless, tattoos, spitting and brawling with the audience.

1981 was also the year of release of "Damaged " which comes after the ep " Nervous Breakdown" and "Jealous Again ", the first products of the newly SST label and artisanal Solid State Transformers issue over the years, just to make a name, the Bad Brains ('sti cocks, ed.)
"Damaged" is the cannon of a perfect war machine music, you cried and the devastating grief of a generation, three chords that mark an era and style. The album was to be distributed by Unicorn Records but pulls back with the excuse of content that is contrary to the moral of the family (but actually it is just an "ordinary" economic crisis, given that a little later the label collapsed on debt) The Black Flag publish it for the SST, embarked on a court case that prevents him for some time use their own name (that is, the compilation "Everything Went Black " appears as the sum of individual contributions) and they forgot to bring the entire tour anyway. After
"Damaged" Dukowski takes a step back down to letting go that Kira Roessler of Black Flag's seminal power brings a touch more intellectual and sophisticated, a little later comes a flurry of conflicting and stun album that show the ambition Search Ginn. After the anthology "The First Four Years " (with p individual and pre-Rollins) out " My War" (with the battery, the former Descendents Bill Stevenson) then " Slip It In" at the beginning of 1984: the first records that show influences from the American heavy metal Black Sabbath and, in the same year, " Family Man", a work more experimental and daring to the choice of the cover which shows a father holding a gun directly in his temple while his wife and children lie slain at his feet.
After this excursion into the music of Hüsker Dü and the subsequent "Loose Nut " the 1985 Black Flag returned to the devastating power of the early years with "In My Head " and then suddenly swerve yet with "The Process Out Of Wedding", an excellent example of "jazz-punk" violent, iconoclastic and avant-garde. Another album, recorded live, " Who's Got The 10 1 / 2? " and, one day in August of 1986, Ginn Rollins called to tell him that he was leaving the band. The Black Flag had closed its doors forever, with a phone call that bitterness!
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